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graphics&star chalice problems

Jun 25, 2009
the graphics have been funky since the garndening update for example when your play is hit by a fire elf the fire damage done over the 3 rounds there isn't as much fire as there used to be heckhound can't cough up enough fire anymore its annoying and the star chalice when i place it in my house the floating star doesn't show up! tell me kingsisle why is this happening?

hunter legendwraith level60 necromancer

May 27, 2010
I have been noticing the same thing with a lot of bright things such as spells like power nova their graphics seem to be very off right now and same thing happens when i try to move the chalice unless i pick it up same goes for the celestian fern and sconce they light they have disappears when i move it around i hope this is fixed soon

Sep 11, 2010