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Hatching needs to be fixed ASAP

Dec 25, 2010
Here’s the deal with over 500 pets and abilities on each pet we shouldn't be limited to breeding once every 24 hours. I mean sure you want to keep the pet population from getting overwhelming. And you want to keep rares rares. But people should be allowed to breed THEIR own pets together as many times as they want. I mean they are MY pets meaning they are only going to ME. So it still keeps rares rare because I can't gift my pets to anyone. And honestly after level 60 I don't care about making money off the sellback. I care about making the perfect pet for my wizard. And though I have the money to breed a zoo of pets I am limited to breeding once a day. Do you know how hard it is to get the pet with the stats you want breeding only once a day? Not to mention you get a terrible chance of getting the stats you want passed down let alone the type. This game is fun but I don't want to spend months trying to get something as simple as a Spritely on a sea dragon because of the current limits. I mean I paid about 20 bucks for the sea dragon alone can I please have the ability to use it as I please?

Also suggestion, can we pass down certain traits with crowns? Like I can pick threw the parents abilities and for a certain amount of crowns pass it to the child. This should work with the type it is too. Because I have an ice hound and I would prefer to pay crowns to be guaranteed to get it as the child over the sea dragon I have. Same thing with it's ablities.

Aug 15, 2009
Well, when you think of it, there is only so much mechanics that can be done to the game. Would seem if it were already possible then KI would allow hatching every 24 hours and sooner if you spend crowns.
Think training points. Apparantly that wasnt an issue to allow for gradual refill and sooner with a few crowns. So, if they could have allowed for sooner hatching with crowns they most likely would have already provided that as a service.
Unless it can be done and it was a marketing oversight which would mean that they are working on it cause you gotta give them credit that they are more actions than words and words are usually to stifle what cant be done or at least not a path which they chose to pursue.

Jun 09, 2009
24 hours becomes 12 hours for subscribers with that new subcriber's bonus thing.

Feb 23, 2010
Well, as for the hatching time limit, is it really that big of an issue? You have to level your pet before you know if you get the skills you want anyway. That takes time. Why not take that day to start leveling your new pet?

As for the Sea Dragon, you only need one. I won a Sea Dragon in the test of the spheres dungeon, and I've turned him into 4 Sea Dragons. What you do is buy the pet with the highest starting power you can get for gold. From what I've seen, that's the starfish pet in the common area of Celestia. The starfish is ice school based, but that shouldn't be a problem. The key is to go to the solo hatching area and make sure that you have the Sea Dragon as the first pet and then select the Starfish as your second pet. For me, when I do a solo hatch, the first pet has always determined what the hatchling will be. Now, your new Sea Dragon will have a little less power than the original (I call it power, but it's the first number and corresponds to the max amount of strength, will, intelligence, agility, and power that your pet starts with), but it won't be a huge difference if you pair the Sea Dragon with a powerful pet like the starfish. From this point on, if you want to create more Sea Dragons, just pair your hatched Sea Dragon with the original. You can repeat this process as many times as you want provided you have the gold to do so.