Hi! I recently hatched with a pet I had been desperately wanting: the Polar Bear Cub. When I finally got it and the egg hatched it ended up being a Strange Beast!!!! This angered me and I was wondering if this was a glitch or anything that could be fixed. Kimberly Stormbane, lvl 34, Life
Wouldn't it be fantastic to get the exact pet we want every time we hatch; unfortunately, its a random process.
This means you may have to hatch 5 times instead of just once to get the look you want. Of course if you do get lucky and get the look you wanted on your new pet; congratulations!
It would still be nice to better understand the pet hatching process. So cick and read through the links shown below to do this:
If one of the parents was a Strange Beast, it's completely normal. There's no other way to make sure you get a certain pet than to hatch with two pets of the same species.
You hope the hatching feature is edited out?? What?? Why?? Because you can't get what you want on the first try?? Do you think the leveling of pets should be removed if you get selfish talents as well? Would you simply want the makers to hand you a perfect pet because you want one?? That would make the hundreds of thousands of gold, thousdands of hours, and thousands of pet games, mega snacks, gardening for mega's...etc completely wasted for those of us who actually put in the time and effort to hatch and breed the pets we want.
Why complain about this, instead, maybe you should just get some money together, and hatch again. Eventually you'll get what you want. Personally, my 6 year old daughtyer wanted the polar bear cub too, I had one, and raised it to have three heals and 2 defenses, then cross bred against her armament pet, which I also spent thousands of pet snacks and games on, breeding to have heals and defenses. It took 6 hatches to get the body type, and another 7 to get the heals and defenses as all that showed up.
Take the time you're complaining here, and spend it fixing your pet instead
I didn't mean I wanted the hatching feature edited out, please don't jump to conclusions, I only mean the part where you can get a pet you've already had- the one you trained to breed. The hatching feature is great, so please, please, please, don't think I want it gone, I wasn't complaining about hatching, just about that one problem. I think that if Wizard101 doesn't give us the pet that we want and instead gives us our own, we should at least be able to sell it, trade it, or give it away to someone who would take good care of it. Maybe in the pet pavillion there could be a pet store called "The Cat's Meow" where people could sell pets they couldn't care for.