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Have a bug? Post it here.

May 22, 2009
I bought the recipe for raiment of natural law in the science center of Celestia. One of the ingredients is 3 Centaurs. I crafted--not enchanted-- the centaur cards but the recipe is not showing i still need them. Other recipes show i have the centaur cards.

Feb 10, 2010
This irritates me a lot! I am a level 45 fire wizard and I fizzle more than a storm! I have a storm that has no accurancy help whatsoever and even she doesn't fizzle as much as my fire!!!! I really wish you could make fire a little better, like give it some accurancy!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 24, 2009
Honeybee313 wrote:
On Colossus Blvd., I was fighting the Gobbler Gorgers and Gobbler Scouters yesterday and today.

I was alone, but in the empty circle next to me, whenever I would cast a spell, the empty circle would have something like five golden rings going up and down and then at the top of the rings there was a golden face, like a mask.

Then when I killed one of the Gorgers and Scouters, the same thing would happen on the empty circle where they just died. Golden rings, then a golden face/mask at the top of the rings. Really weird...

Happened more than once, yesterday and today.

this has happenend before.

that is a bug. and that golden face is a face laughing . it is the taunt spell. the gobblers are using it like crazy. but it still is a bug

Dec 04, 2010
When I started W101 today, and tried to combat, there were no cards in my spell deck. I fled. Then I noticed my Mana was zero. I refilled Mana at fairegrounds and tried again - same thing. If I mark a spot and go to it, same thing. I keep getting an error message saying I need to hit the Equip button to equip my deck. I can't find an Equip button on the spell deck page of my spell book. I double-clicked all cards off of the left side of the spell deck page, and replaced them, but the bug still happens. I moved the mouse to all locations on the spell deck page of the spell book, and could not find an equip button. Is there an keyboard equivalent as a work around? :?

BTW - I love this game. better than WoW because no one is rude

Mar 01, 2009
Prospector Zeke wrote:
Besides the items listed on the Known Bugs page, have you encountered a true bug?

If so post the information here, and we'll work hard to squash it!

Prospector Zeke, I have a problem.
The teleporter in Celestia Survey Camp brought me to the very entrance of the Survey Camp and it didn't bring me to where it was suposed to be in the Survey Camp. lol
Plz answer this
Destiny IceHeart and very confused

Mar 12, 2010
insanityclaus wrote:
When I started W101 today, and tried to combat, there were no cards in my spell deck. I fled. Then I noticed my Mana was zero. I refilled Mana at fairegrounds and tried again - same thing. If I mark a spot and go to it, same thing. I keep getting an error message saying I need to hit the Equip button to equip my deck. I can't find an Equip button on the spell deck page of my spell book. I double-clicked all cards off of the left side of the spell deck page, and replaced them, but the bug still happens. I moved the mouse to all locations on the spell deck page of the spell book, and could not find an equip button. Is there an keyboard equivalent as a work around? :?

BTW - I love this game. better than WoW because no one is rude

You go to the spelldeck page to put the spells / cards in your deck.

But then you have to "open your backpack", and equip your deck, just like you would equip you hat, robe, etc.

In your backpack, click on the "deck" icon at the top of the page, and then highlight the deck (if it isn't highlighted already), and then click on the "hand" at the bottom of the page.

Hope this helps. :D

Apr 02, 2010
OK, I got one.

My level 48 Wraith pet got Pip O' Plenty and Death Proof, and two selfish talents. One of these talents increases the maximum of one of the attributes, I think Power, the one at the bottom. This talent was received at Epic. So even though the Wraith reached Epic, I had some more training to do to go from 250 to 300, I think. Then my Wraith had +6% Power Pips instead of +5%.

But over the weekend, I was comparing what the character map said with and without the Wraith equipped, and the difference was 5%, and not 6%. (I was training another pet).

The Wraith's name is Madame Amber, and its the only Death character on the account.

Mar 12, 2010
I saw the update notes today and read about the Quest Tracker shortcut being changed to "Ctrl - T".

I was in Dragonspyre today (The Forum), and my Quest Tracker worked sometimes, but not others.

I know that it doesn't work on the Books and Roses quests. I get a message saying "you can't use quest tracker for this quest". That's okay.

But then I tried to use it on other quests ("Meet the new boss" and another one from DarkStone). The yellow arrow shows up okay in the Quest Log box and I don't get any error message saying I can't use it on those quests, but the Quest Tracker arrow doesn't show on my screen.

I played with Ctrl + T, on and off, and still no arrow.

But yet, if I choose a quest from another world (like Grizzelheim), the arrow appears okay.

I didn't have this problem yesterday or the day before that either. It just started today, after the updates.

Jasmine StormWalker

May 22, 2009
I got 2 new bugs.

First Bug:
Sometimes, not always, when i port to my storm house, i see nothing but stormy sky and sea. I do have the box to activate world gate, but nothing else. I usually have to leave my house then go back.

Second Bug:
I lost connection in district of stars while fighting piscean troopers. The loss of connection was on my end. The bug came from when i logged back on, i was in the base camp with less MAX health. I checked my character screen and moused over my health. I added the base with all the bonuses and even though it showed i was getting a bonus for my hat (Riddled Hood), I was not. It took several times of removing it and the equipping it again to get the health back to normal.

Mar 12, 2010
I defeated Malistaire (The Final Countdown) twice in the past few days with two different wizards (one Life and one Death).

After Cyrus Drake spoke and opened the portal to go to Merle Ambrose, I went up to the portal and pressed "x".

I got a message that said "if I leave the dungeon now I will lose all progress that I made." And it asked me "if I was sure I wanted to leave".

The first time I hesitated, because I didn't want to lose all that progress, but then I answered "Yes". It did teleport me to Merle Ambrose and my quest was finished okay.

But I don't think I should have gotten that message at the end of the dungeon. It was very confusing. I think it's a bug, even though I didn't lose all of my progress like the message said I would.

Not sure if anyone else has run into this.

May 04, 2009
Honeybee313 wrote:
I saw the update notes today and read about the Quest Tracker shortcut being changed to "Ctrl - T".

I was in Dragonspyre today (The Forum), and my Quest Tracker worked sometimes, but not others.

I know that it doesn't work on the Books and Roses quests. I get a message saying "you can't use quest tracker for this quest". That's okay.

But then I tried to use it on other quests ("Meet the new boss" and another one from DarkStone). The yellow arrow shows up okay in the Quest Log box and I don't get any error message saying I can't use it on those quests, but the Quest Tracker arrow doesn't show on my screen.

I played with Ctrl + T, on and off, and still no arrow.

But yet, if I choose a quest from another world (like Grizzelheim), the arrow appears okay.

I didn't have this problem yesterday or the day before that either. It just started today, after the updates.

Jasmine StormWalker

Okay. The same problem happened today too. Got a quest from Darkstone in the Forum to "Locate the Abandoned Tower in The Forum".

Yellow Quest Arrow is showing okay when I look in the Quest Log box for this quest. But it doesn't show on the screen.

All other Quest Arrows are showing okay except this one.

Valkoor Skullthief

Jun 03, 2009
OH I have issues here Zeke my friend I can't get IN the game now and when I do the LAG in CL is trrible I know what to do and have taken EVERY measure to try and play this game that I PAY for.
NOW I can't log into the game it goes to loading one of my wizards and thats IT I'm sick of this I want it fixed right NOW get to work!!! I have friends waiting and counting on me to join them and This makes me look like I don't care to be on any teams either ALSO I see since its the weekend some how the other night I was able to play a while I ported to help a friend and the friend had been changed to aanother WIZARD entirerly they didn't even have have the same name of the wiz I ported to geez GET IT TOGETHER will ya!!
One more issue in a line of many over the past 2 days somehow MY subcription got cancled and I did NOT do it whats going on there? this is a mess put down your party cups and get busy and fix things right away.

Jul 31, 2008
The Wooden Chests in Stormriven Hall are still bugged. I opened two of them today and received 14 and 12 gold from them. It appears that only some of the chests in this area are doing that. My friend opened one and received 100 gold. The chests I opened were in the northeast corner and east side when looking at the map.

Thank you

Jan 16, 2009
If someone dies in a duel, they might go to the commons and fill up with there potion, but however, when they port back into the duel, the next time they cast a spell nothing happens for the other people watching, the spell still does have effect but the people watching cant see there wand move or the symbol in front of the person who was dead and came back

I hope i made this clear please consider trying to figure out what i'm saying :P

Nov 29, 2009
superluther wrote:
I got 2 new bugs.

First Bug:
Sometimes, not always, when i port to my storm house, i see nothing but stormy sky and sea. I do have the box to activate world gate, but nothing else. I usually have to leave my house then go back.

I am having this problem too when I teleport home. It's additionally annoying because the teleport timer starts and you have to wait a minute to try again.

Also, at the Gardening Trainer in Krokotopia (Charley), the rank 2 Gardening Spells (Streaming Sunlight, Shower, Bee Team, etc.) require Rank 3 to train.

May 10, 2010
1. On two of my characters, when I go home or to someone else's home, I see blue sky and nothing else. It will flash now and then the real picture of the house where i am, but then goes back to blue sky.

2. On Colossus Blvd, helping friends, there have been numerous times where a bad guy theoretically pops into a circle. I say theoretically because you can't see him and you can't cast on him. The only way to kill him is with a mass kill spell like frog or meteor. Even then the picture doesn't match and it looks like it's being cast on me. He can cast spells and kill players though LOL

Aug 07, 2010
Hi I don't know if this is a bug but I will tell you just in case I just bought the epic bundle gift card and got all the items that it said, but not the ancient spear of power I don't know what happened I might of sold it but if any one else has experienced this problem please reply and I'm sorry for wasting your time if I did sell it on accident.

Oct 09, 2010
Well, ok, so I completed Tomb of Begulier, and after I defeated Ngozi it said I got the Mander Savior badge. I really wanted to put it on, but when I looked for it, it said ?????????? and I couldn't wear it. Please fix this bug, KI. :(

Nov 17, 2008
I've seen a teleporting bug, where even if you turn ports off people can still port to you. Its very agrivating when you dont want people to port but they keep coming back. Please fix this bug soon, thank you.

May 10, 2010
Major Bug!

In Mooshu, in various places, the quest arrow disappears. The quest helper is still on, it still shows what quest you are on, but the arrow is not showing. This is happening to everyone on these quests. The arrow has worked before on these quests too, but since the update, they are not showing up anymore. Quests such as locate this hut or that hut, burn down the towers, find hideouts. A lot in Mooshu are on the fritz. Please fix them quickly!


Jan 03, 2009
Hey W101,
when i want to look at someone's status i see that they are wearing the starters outfit and level 0. (but not all characters) Just something i thought you should know.
Also, whenever i am in Ravenwood and face a certain direction it goes all black.
Thanks for looking

Nov 20, 2010
Here is what i messaged to Support:

"My character is currently stuck in Mooshu, and the quest that he is stuck on is 'An Imperial Cure'. I earlier talked to the emperor, defeated the Jade Oni with a friend, and then warped out of the instance. Now, when I re-enter the dungeon, I believe I am in a new instance, and there is no emperor to talk to. My quest indicator points me towards an empty space where the emperor should be. The goals of the quest are:
Heal Emperor Yoshihito
Defeat Jade Oni
Talk to Emperor Yoshihito
After defeating Jade Oni, I believe I warped out of the dungeon before completing this part of the quest? It tells me exactly where the Emporer should have been standing, but because I left the instance before talking to him I was switched to another instance and when I came back later and he is not there. The glitch seems simple enough but its completely preventing me continuing on with the game >.<"

And Supports reply:
"Hi there,
Because the quest is a dungeon we cannot advance this for you and suggest that you let the dungeon reset and you should then be able to complete it without incident.
Please let us know if you have further questions!
KingsIsle Support"

I am NOT happy as this is my first character to get this far and this is the very last quest to get to Dragonspyre. I waited a solid 3 days to get a reply that is no help at all, as this dungeon has had days to 'reset' as they put it and it clearly is glitched. So after paying good money to play this game, I'm being brushed off by KingsIsle and left high and dry. Any advise, anyone?

Sep 26, 2010
HELP!!! I have a major problem be it a bug or whatever. I am attempting to play one of my wizards and I go to the classroom page now this wizard is supposed to be female and it is now male. When I click on play the game starts and I have a pet but no wizard. Please help me find my wizard.

Sep 26, 2010
Jan 24, 2009
Something appears to be wrong with the hatchery. I hatched a helephant/wraith combo with my friend and i just got another helephant but she got a radiant egg. I wanna know if anyone else has had this problem. Please fix this. I just want to be able to get a helephant/wraith combo without spending all my money and getting another helephant.