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Have subscription but can't get into areas

May 10, 2010
If I create a new character I have areas blocked off except the "free zones". I have an up to date subscription but I can not access all the areas.

Each character on your account must follow the story line to unlock areas as you progress, just as you did with the first character.

All characters can teleport to friends in other areas, but until they've earned access by following the story and completing assignments given to them, teleporting to friends is the only way to access those areas.

Just do the quests and assignments as you're asked and you will open up those areas on that character too.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Aug 07, 2010
Prospector Zeke wrote:
Each character on your account must follow the story line to unlock areas as you progress, just as you did with the first character.

All characters can teleport to friends in other areas, but until they've earned access by following the story and completing assignments given to them, teleporting to friends is the only way to access those areas.

Just do the quests and assignments as you're asked and you will open up those areas on that character too.

what if you have followed the story lines and have problems with more than one wizard including LEgendary status?