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healing me not minion

Nov 25, 2009
One time I summned a minion. I had only like 42 life left. I used a saytr spell on ME!!!!!! But when i used my spell it healed the minion. ever happend 2 u.

May 20, 2010
Yes, twice. I don't know what causes it, but since it's only happened twice in several months, I left it alone. If it happens often, you'll probably want to contact Support.

Jan 25, 2010
You can stop things like that from happening by no longer clicking on the highlighted "area" of your wizard standing on the screen which looks like you are clicking on your character and get into the routine of clicking on the sigil symbol of the spot you are standing on. (if your spell is going on yourself)

that would be Sun, Eye Star, Moon that you are standing on when you fight.

once you select your card don't click on yourself, another player or an enemy, click on their sigil.

Look at Jack here:


Three pics of him standing on the Sun and Eye.

To cast your spell you selected click on that little picture "sigil" that is right by your name and your health then your spell will go where you want it to every time instead of trying to click on your character because there is a gray area between those and it doesn't always work but clicking on your sigil, another players sigil or the enemies sigil has never messed up for me.

that puts an end to your spells going to the wrong player or enemy.

Nov 25, 2009
colagada wrote:
Yes, twice. I don't know what causes it, but since it's only happened twice in several months, I left it alone. If it happens often, you'll probably want to contact Support.

Thanks for the info!