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Herlik = Leif? I don't think so.

Dec 12, 2009
Ok, so my myth wizard was questing in Vigrid Roughland and finding three lost bears in the Red Claw area, and I found the other ones fine. Herlik, one of the three, had the name 'Leif' on top of him, but when I talked to him, his name was Herlik on the dialogue box. I'm pretty sure this is a glitch, but I just wanted to point this out.

See you in the Spiral!

Feb 07, 2011
kuy5 wrote:
Ok, so my myth wizard was questing in Vigrid Roughland and finding three lost bears in the Red Claw area, and I found the other ones fine. Herlik, one of the three, had the name 'Leif' on top of him, but when I talked to him, his name was Herlik on the dialogue box. I'm pretty sure this is a glitch, but I just wanted to point this out.

See you in the Spiral!

I noticed this, too~ my Storm wiz just completed that quest, and the firsts thing I saw was that the name on the Quest Helper was incorrect. I think Cyrus needs to get his red pen out again...

Aug 26, 2010
kuy5 wrote:
Ok, so my myth wizard was questing in Vigrid Roughland and finding three lost bears in the Red Claw area, and I found the other ones fine. Herlik, one of the three, had the name 'Leif' on top of him, but when I talked to him, his name was Herlik on the dialogue box. I'm pretty sure this is a glitch, but I just wanted to point this out.

See you in the Spiral!

Funny thing is, I reported this in test realm a long time ago, guess they don't think it's a high priority.

May 19, 2012
I noticed this too, as I completed this quest and I chuckled about it. I just figured, oh well, people in real life have nick names, why not an npc. hehe. :D

Jul 28, 2011
I know I noticed that too on my level 41 pyromancer... It's weird...