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HEY! I Ate That! Didn't I??

Aug 10, 2009
I've been playing the pet Maze Game for a while now, and I've noticed that some times my pet runs though a snack(pizza for egsample) and does not "eat" it and some times doesn't "absorb" stars or ghost when I get the purple/blue star.:( So KI, could you please fix this BUG.

Your #1 Player,

P.S. The game is awesome:D

Dec 21, 2009
forgetno4 wrote:
I've been playing the pet Maze Game for a while now, and I've noticed that some times my pet runs though a snack(pizza for egsample) and does not "eat" it and some times doesn't "absorb" stars or ghost when I get the purple/blue star.:( So KI, could you please fix this BUG.

Your #1 Player,

P.S. The game is awesome:D

I've noticed that too. It usually happens to me right after using a time boost or whatever it's called. So I guess using bonus sets it off?

Aug 10, 2009
Yeah, I hate how the time bonus does that.:| KI please fix that BUG.

Apr 26, 2009
Oct 05, 2010
the pet pavilion if chock ful of glitches. one time, my little brother was playing the cannon game, he clicked krok and hit play and where the cannon was supposed to be his character was and he could not move and the iggle was just floating and the only way out was to start task manager and shut down the program.

Oct 09, 2010
It's super annoying.
Sometimes I freeze from a ghost even through a milisecond ago blue sparks from the blue star were following me.
And then I "skip" over a food. Imagine you collected 69 food, then you relize there was a skipped pizza right over there, and 3, 2, 1, times up! 1, just 1 away from the best score.
PLEASE fix it!