so today i did the day 5 assignment on my fire wizard which was to defeat a war horn and after i did that i got the pop. i moved to my house first because i wanted to do it there. when i got there my pop up was gone and when i went to my stone all it said was that it was done with a green check mark. i decided to check Augean Statz just in case and it was the same deal. i went back to cyclops lane and defeated another war horn and nothing. please help me i am very disappointed that i didn't get anything. by the way i was going through my backpack and i found some baby carrot seeds, but I'm not sure if i got them from the war horn i fought or if the day 5 gave them to me automatically without notifying me.
so today i did the day 5 assignment on my fire wizard which was to defeat a war horn and after i did that i got the pop. i moved to my house first because i wanted to do it there. when i got there my pop up was gone and when i went to my stone all it said was that it was done with a green check mark. i decided to check Augean Statz just in case and it was the same deal. i went back to cyclops lane and defeated another war horn and nothing. please help me i am very disappointed that i didn't get anything. by the way i was going through my backpack and i found some baby carrot seeds, but I'm not sure if i got them from the war horn i fought or if the day 5 gave them to me automatically without notifying me.
Jason GoldenFlame lvl 78
Baby Carrots is one of the rewards possible from day 5 assignment, I got the same ( less than thrilling ) reward. My other wizard got a Doodle Doug Housing game.