I recently got the acropolis house on my balance wizard. I love the house! However I am having one huge issue. When I purchased the house I bought a potion to also extend my item limit to 300. I started filling the house with all kinds of items inside and outside. Outside has about 215ish items so far and is looking great and running well also. Inside the house I continued to put items but started to get lag and didn't think anything of it until I got to 260ish items and started getting horrific lag so much so that my character would just start spinning when I was trying to turn and the lag would prevent me from being able to stop her. I did numerous things after searching the internet for a lag fix including updating drives directx and even reading a post on how the number of items in your backpack could influence your lag inside your house. (Which caused a mishap of feeding my judgement robe to my pet...doh!) I even have wizard 101 set at top priority in processes for video card and still no help. Everything is turned down to the bare minimum. Finally I went back home and went inside the house and picked up all items.... which caused the lag to go away completely. Talked with some friends and thought maybe it was the amount of interactive items I was using. I'm now at 93 items and the lag is coming back slowly but it remains when I have items in the house. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated on this matter. I would love to have my beautiful house back.