I love to decorate my house, and I put a lot of castle magic into it as well. Going back and fourth from Marleybone gets very annoying very quickly, so I decided to go to try rating 100 houses to get the badge and craft the Babbage Basset housing item. I already had 12 rated houses, so I just needed a few hours of viewing and judging homes to get there. Sadly, after I hit 19 houses, the counter stopped. Every time I rate a house, the badge stays at 19. I've tried reloading the character, leaving and coming back, even restarting the game, but nothing works. I don't just check out both areas of the house then leave either, I view each one as comprehensively as I can to make sure the rating I give is the one they deserve, but since this badge isn't being updated, there's not really a good reason for me to go to a bunch of houses and rate them.