*Please read before posting, so you understand the problem.*
i have a massive fantasy palace house i want to get rid of (never liked it) but i cant do anything to get rid of it. I cant SELL it or deystroy it so i am stuck. Can someone help me?? :(
Make sure you pick everything up from it, first. I recommend using the "pick up all items" button and place them in your attic. Then, since it is No Auction, try going to Grizzleheim or another world to sell it. That is what I have done. Anything that is No Auction, you are able to sell in another world. Hopefully this information helps you. :)
i have a massixe fantasy palace house i want to get rid of (never liked it) but i cant do anything to get rid of it. I cant SELL it or deystroy it so i am stuck. Can someone help me?? :(
guys iv"e emptied it, in fact i have never used it. the massive fantasy palace is a no auction and a no SELL. how do i get rid of it if i cant sell it? PS (i cant feed it to my pet) the house i want to get rid of is the one from the mega bundle pack i think, the 39$ one.
guys iv"e emptied it, in fact i have never used it. the massive fantasy palace is a no auction and a no SELL. how do i get rid of it if i cant sell it? PS (i cant feed it to my pet) the house i want to get rid of is the one from the mega bundle pack i think, the 39$ one.
I didn't realize that. I just went and looked at my Massive Fantasy Palace, and it says "No Auction, No Trade, No Sell".
kingisle this is a problem that should be fixed. We should have the freedom to get rid of the massive fantasy pasace house, or at least transfer it to another character. Please help us!
kingisle this is a problem that should be fixed. We should have the freedom to get rid of the massive fantasy pasace house, or at least transfer it to another character. Please help us!
I had sent an e-mail to support about this, and here is their reply to me:
The Massive Fantasy Palace is a no-sell because it's such a large and rare Castle and it'd be very difficult for our Senior Wizards to replace if it was every accidentally sold or lost. As such, the option to sell the Massive Fantasy Palace is not present. Please let us know if you have further questions!
well how about setting up a warning saying are you sure you'd wish to get rid of this house? or how about being able to transfer homes via the shared bank? so at least i can move it. even so, it's their fault if someone loses their house unintentionially. I just want to at LEAST transfer it to another character.
guys iv"e emptied it, in fact i have never used it. the massive fantasy palace is a no auction and a no SELL. how do i get rid of it if i cant sell it? PS (i cant feed it to my pet) the house i want to get rid of is the one from the mega bundle pack i think, the 39$ one.
I didn't realize that. I just went and looked at my Massive Fantasy Palace, and it says "No Auction, No Trade, No Sell".
So "How" do we get rid of it? :?
trash it. open up your spell book, get to the housing tab and you'll see a trash can. click on your fantasy palace and them click on the trash can. It's stinks that we can't sell these; we PAID cash for them. But that's the way it is as of now.
Since the Massive Fantasy Palace was from a Bundle Pack, it doesn't go by the rules of other houses. One day the Bundle Pack will just "go away" and chances of getting this house ever again will be slim to none, possiably only for special occasions, and with a redemption code. But with the house empty, it seems you should be able to at least trashcan it if you want. I would rather feed it to a pet though, wonder what that would give lol
it seems, but it wont. if want ti get rid of it, fine my loss. I judt dont want it. There should at least be a way to transfer home or something. please note you can't feed, trash, auction or sell this house.
i have a massixe fantasy palace house i want to get rid of (never liked it) but i cant do anything to get rid of it. I cant SELL it or deystroy it so i am stuck. Can someone help me?? :(
Feed it to your pet*yum yum*.
Luke BattleSword Level 31 1/2 Life/Storm/Fire
"without life the world would be a rock"
How the heck would a pet eat a Fantasy Palace!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
This is a problem so essentially they are saying that you are stuck. No way to get rid of it. That is a problem KI should fix. Just double check the sale.
Are you sure you want to sell this? Yes.
If you sell this item there will be no revisal do you still want to proceed? yes. Make them type "yes."
Then if they cry mistake tell them to sing those blues on another stage this one is full.
I have three houses i bought with crowns, and i want to get rid of one but it wont let me sell it :( . Please help.....
If it is a "house", you are trying to sell, this should help:
In order to sell you house, you must empty it first. Sometimes we use the "pick up all items" button, but for some reason, it doesn't always pick up all of the flooring / wallpaper.
Go into your house, and click on the button "place object" like you are going to put something in your house.
Then click on the tab to the left for "flooring and wallpaper only". This will give you a new button on the right to click on for "pick up flooring/wallpaper".
After your house/castle is empty, you should be able to go to a house dealer and sell it.
Hope this helps.
Note: One thing to keep in mind... we have learned that the castles bought with the bundle packages are "no sell, no auction, no trade, and no trash". So once you buy them, you have them forever.