Our typical uninstallation instructions for Mac are as follows:
To Uninstall Wizard101 from your Mac follow these steps: · Go to your "Finder" and click on this. This is the icon with the smiling face on the left hand corner at the bottom of the screen · Look for 'Applications" on the left and click on it. This will open up your "Application" folder · Find the icon for "Wizard101" and hold and drag it into your "Trash" at the bottom right corner · Click on your "Trash" icon and look for the "Gear" icon at the top and click on it. · Click on the option "Empty Trash" · If you get the message that it is in use, simply go to the top left corner and click on "Restart" Once the computer reboots then go back to the "Trash" and empty it again.
You will want to contact our Customer Support for more information if you still find Wizard101 files on your computer.
Does this delete all of the files that the game downloads while I play? Because it seems like it does not. I don't just want the launcher gone, I want to reinstall it all. I want to make it so that I never had it on my mac, so I can download it again and re-download all the files.