Many people have been corn-fused about this. Still, Kingsisle has not fixed the problem, so i am bringing it up again.
See, this is why you should always slow down when your going too fast, because some of you just click away, and dont pay attention!
When you speak to Innes Idle (Not the time when he is in Lower Caer lyon, but the second time you see him, in the big house, by the Amber Knights, you finish his quest, but he doesnt give you another one. Now, dont think of this as a side quest. Its actually another part to the main quest-line. If you cannot find him, heres how:
If your coming from the wild, go left. There should be a shrine. then you should see Amber knights around the corner. Inside that big ol' house is Innes.
For more information, click this link, as it was my first post. And Kingsisle, Please fix this! Its very common that I see someone asking for help.