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i broke the counter weight quest

Jan 25, 2012
i kept losing at the counter weight west quest main boss, so i gave up and helped a friend for twenty minuets. decided to come back and try again. however now sally newwater won't talk to me. i can;t touch the counter weight lever and the gates down. so i can't go anywhere or finish the quest at all. I've noticed other glitches in this quest. when i was in the east counter weight. i died on he second floor, when i came back, it let me walk right past the monsters and hot the counter switch and just go straight to the third floor without ever completing the second floor..

May 20, 2010
Instances reset on their own after a fixed time period.

To reset it yourself, enter the instance (step on the sigils and go inside). If your NPC isn't there or won't talk to you, exit the instance by the same door you came in. You'll get a popup warning. Acknowledge it and leave the instance. Now enter the instance again, and everything should be reset.

Jan 25, 2012