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I got owned

Jan 01, 2011
this guy said he would give me a shark mount for a treasure card and he becomes my friend i give him the card and he says wait a moment then he disfriends me and diches me and takes my seraph treasure card


Seriously, why do we have to keep repeating ourselves?

Be sensible young Wizards, and ask yourselves if this person is really going to give you an item worth $30 of real money just for a few free Treasure Cards - the answer is, no, they're not. They're going to take your Treasure Cards and disappear. It's not a very nice thing to do, but all trades must be agreed upon by both parties. If the trade sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so don't accept the trade.

Please remember, reporting someone for 'scamming' you out of Treasure Cards is not valid, since you both had to agree to the trade. If what you see in the Trade window is not fair, regardless of what the player told you, don't agree to the trade, simple as that. Caveat emptor is a very powerful lesson to learn, young Wizards. Buyer Beware.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Aug 18, 2010
i dont see why people are so stupid people need to learn that nobody is gonna give you a stupid mount for some cards.....just report anyone you see running round saying they will give stuff for cards..

Aug 13, 2010
Poor ol' Zeke, I feel your pain. I know a close friend who has been trying to do trades like these and had been ripped off every time. I tried to explain to him x)

Feb 25, 2010
As much as it stinks, try to think of this as a learning experience and spread the word to newer players that you might make friends with.

Jul 17, 2009
Seriously Zeke it's because people expect something for nothing, don't believe you have to put forth effort to do anything for yourself, always look for the easy way out and are taught that if you complain enough you get what you want.

Lol basically no common sense.

On one of your fansites a poster made a thread using sarcasm but was actually complimenting KI for making such a great game. It was amazing how many people attacked her without bothering to read her message.

I think all of you have done an excellent job on this game and I for one really appreciate the effort and the end result. Please keep up the good work!

Feb 27, 2010
I try to stop this scamming quickly when it happens but i think its all too common. I have seen a lot of wizards trying to scam other players. I think it should be a reportable offense but it should not punish people just put the report on their record and they should receive a warning for it. The reporting should not ban them or punish them but it will scare the people. I want everyone who reads this to spread the word to the new comers and people who don't know much about the game

William NightCaster
Level 32 necromancer
playing since February 2010

Nov 12, 2010
Everyone must learn this lesson in life eventually. Maybe I'm jaded but nowadays just hang up the phone now when i get offered anything for free.

Live and learn :)

Apr 18, 2010
dude one treasure card for a SHARK MOUNT. you really think someone is stupid enough to do that???? a shark mount costs losts of REAL money. no one would gift that

Apr 02, 2010
In the "real world" many times I have seen some one borrow money from people then disappear. On the order of hundreds of dollars each time.

When I was a kid, I was at the local public library, and someone from another town asked if he could take a book out on my card, and he never returned it, so I had to come up with the money when I was 11. My mom found out about the missing book, and I didn't have the heart to tell her what really happened, so I spent a whole day pretending to be looking for the book.

This was so MUCH easier way to find out about dishonest people.

I am sorry it happened to you. But I can also tell you, that treasure card probably wasn't such a big deal either, when you get to Level 60, you might be going to Unicorn Way just to rid yourself of Polymorphs you can't trade or sell at the Bazaar (I think there is a way to trash them, but I don't recall). You will be able to make easily 50,000 gold in one night of farming on Stormriven. A few Treasure cards just won't matter. I have given good friends Feint Treasure cards I crafted, and to me, that is among the most useful treasure cards, that and Elucidates, and Gobbler Polymorphs for something that would be considered a spoiler if I said it, so I won't.

Apr 02, 2010
Just one more thing, the OP is not stupid. Naive maybe, but not stupid.

OK two more things.

Based upon this post, do you REALLY think KingsIsle is going to open up trading of other items like Reagents and Pet Snacks or Equipment?

Jun 09, 2009
DavidStronghunter1... wrote:
dude one treasure card for a SHARK MOUNT. you really think someone is stupid enough to do that???? a shark mount costs losts of REAL money. no one would gift that

He knew that before you posted this, but after the scam.

Jul 13, 2010
crazysteve25 wrote:
i dont see why people are so stupid people need to learn that nobody is gonna give you a stupid mount for some cards.....just report anyone you see running round saying they will give stuff for cards..

I don't think people are stupid for getting scammed. They are trustful and hopeful. Maybe this wizard did not know how much a shark cost. Maybe he just wasn't thinking about being scammed. We really do learn more from our mistakes than the things we get right. I am glad that this message was shared so maybe other wizards who have not learned the ropes of the game yet or are too young to mistrust people yet are informed about what can happen. I say thanks for sharing your mishap. Making a mistake is not stupid, repeating one does show a lack of common sense. I am sorry you got cheated.

May 01, 2010
gmaof4ggmaof2 wrote:
crazysteve25 wrote:
i dont see why people are so stupid people need to learn that nobody is gonna give you a stupid mount for some cards.....just report anyone you see running round saying they will give stuff for cards..

I don't think people are stupid for getting scammed. They are trustful and hopeful. Maybe this wizard did not know how much a shark cost. Maybe he just wasn't thinking about being scammed. We really do learn more from our mistakes than the things we get right. I am glad that this message was shared so maybe other wizards who have not learned the ropes of the game yet or are too young to mistrust people yet are informed about what can happen. I say thanks for sharing your mishap. Making a mistake is not stupid, repeating one does show a lack of common sense. I am sorry you got cheated.

i agree with ya 100% just because your a trusting type doesnt mean your stupid, but you could benefit by not being so trusting on a game where you only see pixles of someone and not who they are and for people who are saying report them report them it is kinda silly after what zeke said.

May 20, 2010
Some adults are just as stupid in the real world. There are enough scammers running around in real life, too. People will believe almost anything.

Bottom line: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Seriously, why would somebody gift you a mount that's worth 5,000 Crowns or more for a treasure card they can buy for under 1,000 gold at the Bazaar and/or Library? Use your head and remember that there's no free lunch.