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I have a problem...

Jul 14, 2010
I have this friend who was on the same quest as me in Grizzleheim. We were working together, and we got to this dungeon. I think its called Frostholm. Its the one where we have to sabotage all of the enemies equipment, free prisoners, and defeat their allies. We get to the end and defeat Ivar and then my friend talks to the person. It counted for her, but not for me. At first it seemed like it counted for me but then it said it didn't all of a sudden. My quest says that I have to talk to Ivar, but he wasn't there anymore. I tried leaving and going back in to see if that would reset it. I tried logging off and then back on to see if it would but it didn't. I don't know what else to do, I think it may be a glitch.
If you could please look into it and fix it I would really appreciate it.
Thank you!
Julia WillowDust
Lvl 58 Life Wizard

May 29, 2011
wow! that same thing happened to me in frostolm. Yup. please help! :D

Jonathan Icewalker level 35 fire

May 29, 2011
This just happened to me also. Yup. It is annoying. I hope someone will fix this glitch. But anyway, i'm still stuck on frostholm.

Oct 19, 2010
It's happened to me also, but after I tried again like 5 times. It's annoying. :/

Dec 23, 2009