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Ice's new spell is totally OP (glitched?)

Feb 07, 2011
as a balance wizard, i've always said that mana burn should act like a dispel.

no pips=no spell.
makes perfect sense, yes?

that said, everyone complains and says it's fine as is. they obviously haven't seen ice's level 88 spell.

i'm currently in an azteca dungeon, fighting 3 bosses (1 fire, 2 ice). i picked my spell (power nova, 7 pips) and, that round, just before my turn, the ice boss cast lord of winter on me, which left me with only 6 pips (no longer enough for my spell)...


i had more than enough pips to cast when i picked the spell. so why does lord of winter cause the opponent to lose her cast that round, but mana burn does not? if ice can do it, why can't we?

i've absolutely had it~ first, i have to pay real money to get my new spell, and now this? i'm literally shaking with rage right now.

please tell me this is a glitch.

Jun 14, 2010
I too am a Balance wizard. Balance is my main wizard, and I have been with the school longer than you have been playing the game. That being said, I wholeheartedly disagree that mana burn should act as a dispel. Clearly KI feels this way too.

You have complained about this spell quite a bit. It would be totally unfair if we could cause ANY school of magic to fizzle with mana burn. So not only do we reduce pips and cause damage, but you want to prevent others from casting as well?? - all for 5 pips. Sorry. Not gonna happen.

Regarding your experience with that ice boss, you were clearly stunned. That's why you got skipped.
Even IF ice could dispel you ( which they cannot), you would have seen your wizard still attempt to cast, followed by a fizzle. Since you said your turn was skipped, that seems to indicate you were stunned. And since you were fighting 2 ice bosses, that is likely the case.

People really need to stop posting about burn being broken. It works just as intended.

Feb 07, 2011
Eric the Red on Jan 4, 2013 wrote:
I too am a Balance wizard. Balance is my main wizard, and I have been with the school longer than you have been playing the game. That being said, I wholeheartedly disagree that mana burn should act as a dispel. Clearly KI feels this way too.

You have complained about this spell quite a bit. It would be totally unfair if we could cause ANY school of magic to fizzle with mana burn. So not only do we reduce pips and cause damage, but you want to prevent others from casting as well?? - all for 5 pips. Sorry. Not gonna happen.

Regarding your experience with that ice boss, you were clearly stunned. That's why you got skipped.
Even IF ice could dispel you ( which they cannot), you would have seen your wizard still attempt to cast, followed by a fizzle. Since you said your turn was skipped, that seems to indicate you were stunned. And since you were fighting 2 ice bosses, that is likely the case.

People really need to stop posting about burn being broken. It works just as intended.
I respect your opinions, Loki, but I must say that was very presumptuous of you.

No, I wasn't stunned~ unless the bosses somehow got through my 6 stun blocks and conviction, even though I have no idea how they would.

Yes, I've accepted that Mana burn will never get fixed. And yes, Lord of Winter is overpowered if it acts like a dispel... hence why I asked if it was a glitch. Again, if Ice can do it, why can't we?

Nov 14, 2012
I clearly don't see the point of mana burn if it still allows the cast even without the pips. I mean, you require a certain amount to cast, yet even with that it still hits. Otherwise i don't see how this would be of any good use.

Jan 04, 2011
I think the pink elephant in the room need to be addressed...

Does the Lord of Winter spell prevent casting once it lowers your pip below the intended spell-cost? If it did, then so should Mana Burn; if it didn't then that's the way KI intended it.

I don't mind if KI makes a decision on how a spell should work, but it should be consistent. If "draining someone's Pips does not cause a pre-selected spell to fizzle", then this should apply to ALL spells that drain other Wizards' Pips.

Feb 07, 2011
Yingu on Jan 11, 2013 wrote:
I think the pink elephant in the room need to be addressed...

Does the Lord of Winter spell prevent casting once it lowers your pip below the intended spell-cost? If it did, then so should Mana Burn; if it didn't then that's the way KI intended it.

I don't mind if KI makes a decision on how a spell should work, but it should be consistent. If "draining someone's Pips does not cause a pre-selected spell to fizzle", then this should apply to ALL spells that drain other Wizards' Pips.
thank you- this is exactly what i've been saying all along.

it'ss the lack of consistency thata i find truly irritating. if lord of winter can steal pips AND stop a pre-selected spell from casting, then mana burn should do the same.


Dec 11, 2011
I agree completely here, and I don't even have to be Balance to agree. I remember being hit by Mana Burn way back in PvP and was still able to cast my Levy. Not only was I confused, I was like "Wow, did Balance get the short end of the stick this time." I was hit by Lord of Winter in AZ, and was not able to cast my next spell due to the pips. So either they just love Ice, hate Balance, or just don't care anymore. (Or it could be bugged, but it won't get fixed until years later.)

Jun 30, 2009
Dr Von on Jan 4, 2013 wrote:
as a balance wizard, i've always said that mana burn should act like a dispel.

no pips=no spell.
makes perfect sense, yes?

that said, everyone complains and says it's fine as is. they obviously haven't seen ice's level 88 spell.

i'm currently in an azteca dungeon, fighting 3 bosses (1 fire, 2 ice). i picked my spell (power nova, 7 pips) and, that round, just before my turn, the ice boss cast lord of winter on me, which left me with only 6 pips (no longer enough for my spell)...


i had more than enough pips to cast when i picked the spell. so why does lord of winter cause the opponent to lose her cast that round, but mana burn does not? if ice can do it, why can't we?

i've absolutely had it~ first, i have to pay real money to get my new spell, and now this? i'm literally shaking with rage right now.

please tell me this is a glitch.

I have shared your frustration, but as long as you have chosen your spell before being hit by Mana Burn or Lord of Winter, and haven't been hit by a monster that freezes you for one turn, you should be ok to cast your spell.

Here is a suggestion: Go to the Bazaar and buy some Sprite Guardians or use your Spectral Minion or Mander and spend the crowns on a Life Henchmen if you can.

I feel your pain, trust me. I have to fight a Myth, Ice and Death dinos to get the Ice Casket behind them for me to get my Lord of Winter spell, and I came close, spent 68 out of 72 crowns I had, and still lost, because I made the wrong choice (had the boss alone and down to about 3000 hp).

Timothy Pearlflower (Ice Archmage, Level 88) trying to get past barrier in Cloudburst Forest to get a reward from Zenzen Sevenstar

Feb 07, 2011
Promethean oxnhors... on Jan 31, 2013 wrote:

I have shared your frustration, but as long as you have chosen your spell before being hit by Mana Burn or Lord of Winter, and haven't been hit by a monster that freezes you for one turn, you should be ok to cast your spell.

Here is a suggestion: Go to the Bazaar and buy some Sprite Guardians or use your Spectral Minion or Mander and spend the crowns on a Life Henchmen if you can.

I feel your pain, trust me. I have to fight a Myth, Ice and Death dinos to get the Ice Casket behind them for me to get my Lord of Winter spell, and I came close, spent 68 out of 72 crowns I had, and still lost, because I made the wrong choice (had the boss alone and down to about 3000 hp).

Timothy Pearlflower (Ice Archmage, Level 88) trying to get past barrier in Cloudburst Forest to get a reward from Zenzen Sevenstar
that's the problem~ i had 6 stun blocks on at the time, so i know i wasn't frozen; the enemies had first-cast advantage, but i had already chosen my spell at the start of the round and it still prevented me from casting once i no longer had the pips to cast.

the balance quest is hard~ you face a boss and 2 elite creatures (balance and 2 ice); balance has no way to break shields or get rid of weakness; balance spams shields ad nauseum, on top of ice towering. so you waste time spamming shatter and hoping that they don't put up more before you can actually get a shot off. that is, assuming you ever get the pips to cast anything.

(i ended up finishing the quest~ i finally got first-cast advantage and, not surprisingly, i actually stood a chance when i went first. i killed the first minion, then hired a level 80 hench creature to help finish the job. it helped, but real money should never be required for quest progression. that annoyed me, a lot).


back on topic, i think yingyu said it best: i have no problem with overpowered spells and their horrid after-effects, as long as ki is consistent. if this was a bug, fine. but, if lord of winter acts like a dispel, so should mana burn.

good luck on your own quest.

promethean sorceress

Sep 29, 2008
I think he is referring to the glitch where if you take a bit hit sometimes it makes you pass that used to happen in av ans some of zf.

Feb 07, 2011
Rikudo Sennin on Feb 2, 2013 wrote:
I think he is referring to the glitch where if you take a bit hit sometimes it makes you pass that used to happen in av ans some of zf.
i am a she. lol.

and i didn't know there was such a glitch, as i've never encountered it before. thank you so much!
