hey there everybody, i'd just like to say that i'm fizzling way to much. I'm a level 45 fire wizard. my accuracy total is 84% (75 for all my attacks, plus the clothes i'm wearing now) I dont know if this a problem with the system, or just extremely bad luck, because i cant ever go a battle without fizzling at least once or more.
An attack with a success rate of 84% means you should fizzle about once every 6-7 turns. That "averages out" over the long run (over several thousand turns). In 10 turns or even 100 turns, you can fizzle a lot more or a lot less. What happened to you is probably just "bad luck".
hey there everybody, i'd just like to say that i'm fizzling way to much. I'm a level 45 fire wizard. my accuracy total is 84% (75 for all my attacks, plus the clothes i'm wearing now) I dont know if this a problem with the system, or just extremely bad luck, because i cant ever go a battle without fizzling at least once or more.
They should really change the way they have the cards set-up. If it's a "lvl 1" 85% for YOUR school, as you advance in levels you should get a certain percentage extra towards that spell. At lvl 36, I fizzle way more times than 6-7 on a lvl 1 1 pip spell for my school. It isn't rocket science to change it. The code would only take about 14 hours to write, and with all the money they're making off of the paid accounts and the store (which is just outrageous with the pricing), they can afford that and much, much more code writing changes. They're customer service has the attitude of "we already have your money, so leave us alone." Anyway, just my input about the fizzling.
It's just bad luck. You will see many posts on here about fizzling. Some days it stinks and other days it's great. I have had life fizzle many times in a row and storm go hours without fizzling. This weekend I leveled up my fire to get his level 42 spell and think I only fizzled once or twice the whole weekend.