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Inappropriate Language

Dec 13, 2008
After playing for ~10 years I received my first warning email regarding using inappropriate language. This email then continued to warn me that I agreed to the Terms of Use, the agreement was violated, a warning has been issued, and continuing to engage in such behavior could result in my account being permanently banned. It then finished by linking me to the Terms of Service.

I wasn't exactly sure what I did to receive this warning, as the email did not include specifics. Which got me thinking, "Do I know what I am and am not allowed to say?" So I clicked the Terms of Service and read through that. I did not see any mention of what is deemed as "inappropriate language" or what is ban-worthy.

So, after that failed attempt, I searched through the forums to try to see if anyone else has asked about this. There were a few questions about what people can be reported for and what is against the rules. Things such as scamming, harassing, etc. These I all assumed were against the rules, but I certainly did none of these things. Open chat is relatively lenient and therefore it is hard to tell what I am allowed to say.

Is this warning something I should be concerned about? Is there somewhere else I can go to read specifically what is and is not against the Terms of Service in regards to language?

Dec 09, 2008
Wolf W on Oct 6, 2018 wrote:
After playing for ~10 years I received my first warning email regarding using inappropriate language. This email then continued to warn me that I agreed to the Terms of Use, the agreement was violated, a warning has been issued, and continuing to engage in such behavior could result in my account being permanently banned. It then finished by linking me to the Terms of Service.

I wasn't exactly sure what I did to receive this warning, as the email did not include specifics. Which got me thinking, "Do I know what I am and am not allowed to say?" So I clicked the Terms of Service and read through that. I did not see any mention of what is deemed as "inappropriate language" or what is ban-worthy.

So, after that failed attempt, I searched through the forums to try to see if anyone else has asked about this. There were a few questions about what people can be reported for and what is against the rules. Things such as scamming, harassing, etc. These I all assumed were against the rules, but I certainly did none of these things. Open chat is relatively lenient and therefore it is hard to tell what I am allowed to say.

Is this warning something I should be concerned about? Is there somewhere else I can go to read specifically what is and is not against the Terms of Service in regards to language?
Hi Wolf W,

For your specific case, it is best to please respond to the email and ask our team what it was specifically. They will be able to inform you the reason.

Sep 15, 2013
Are you an adult player? You don't have to tell me how old you are but if you're an adult player, please view my post regarding adult chat. Enabling an adult chat option would help alleviate some of this reporting nonsense. People can report you for just about anything and KI typically will not suspend your account once reviewing the report. But if you were an adult player, using adult chat like I'm suggesting, the reporting button would be disabled so that people could speak freely to each other without having to worry about being reported. KI needs to remember that kids and adults speak two different languages and doing something to help adults communicate without children interfering is needed in this game. Kids like to tell on others, they're used to doing it at school and in general. Adults have thicker skin and say things in a joking manner sometimes that kids don't understand. It's very easy to be misunderstood by a kid thus getting you reported. I'm personally tired of KI playing parent to everyone.

Dec 13, 2008
My main gripe with this email is that it mentioned I violated the Terms of Use and directed me to review those to prevent breaking these rules in the future. However, upon reading through the Terms of Use, what is considered to be "inappropriate language" was not elaborated on whatsoever. Responding to the email would help me figure out specifically what I said that was wrong and I would surely not do that again, but I feel as if learning the rules only after receiving a warning is an unfair expectation to put on the players. So to clarify: Is there some place where I can read what KI declares as inappropriate language, specifically in regards to open chat?