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Is this a bug, or is this meant to be this way?

Jun 19, 2011
Someone may have already brought this up, but I'm not sure so.

In light of the newest balance spell giving fire, ice, or storm damage to the enemy rather than balance damage, I decided to run some tests today to see how effect balance stats are with that (balance damage, pierce, and auras). I used hydra for this test, since it gives a consistent amount of damage each time, and used the same boss, Rattlebones (except for the pierce test, which I did separately). I removed my hat, robe, and boots for the base test to have a base amount of damage to work with, and that came out 248 damage with the first fire hit. Then, I added my robe (which only gives balance damage), and the hit did 288 damage instead. So far, so good. Balance damage from gear will work with Nested Fury.

Since balance damage from gear worked, I assumed damage given from auras (Chastisement and Punishment) would also work. However, just to be safe, I ran a test. And with the aura up, the hit still only did 248 damage, no different than the base amount. To me, this doesn't make sense given the fact that balance damage from gear works. Is there a particular reason why one works and not the other, or is it a bug?

Also, the balance pierce worked when I tried against Willie Marks in Marleybone (100 damage from fire hit without any pierce, 113 damage after adding only a small amount of balance pierce), which just makes it weirder that the aura didn't work.

May 29, 2010
This is just my guess. Chastisement adds 25% balance damage. Hydra is an elemental attack. Although hydra is a balance spell, I think because the damage dealt is elemental and not balance is why the aura doesn't raise the output. However with the pierce, it's being added to any balance attack, despite what type of damage is being dealt, it's still listed as balance.