A person in the shopping district was saying they would give cards for mounts. everyone said they were a liar. so i tried it out. i gave them a bunch of cards and they thats worth 2 mounts, a dream filly and something else. they said it would take 2 days for the mounts to go from there computer to mine. is this a hacker
Just as we have all been instructed not to take candy from strangers, so should you know not to accept gifts from strangers. If you don't recognize the person who sent you the gift, don't accept it.
Since Gifting has come to the Spiral, I thought this might also be a good opportunity to remind our young Wizards to be wary of players promising gifts of mounts or other goodies, in exchange for your Treasure Cards.
Be sensible young Wizards, and ask yourselves if this person is really going to give you an item worth $30 of real money just for a few free Treasure Cards - the answer is, no, they're not. They're going to take your Treasure Cards and disappear. It's not a very nice thing to do, but all trades must be agreed upon by both parties. If the trade sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so don't accept the trade.
Please remember, reporting someone for 'scamming' you out of Treasure Cards is not valid, since you both had to agree to the trade. If what you see in the Trade window is not fair, regardless of what the player told you, don't agree to the trade, simple as that. Caveat emptor is a very powerful lesson to learn, young Wizards. Buyer Beware.
No, I would not call it a hacker, it is more like a scammer, and I heard there are a lot of this breed of wizard in W101. Now a days kids are sharp as tacks, and most of the time no how to beat the system a lot easier then adults, when it comes to any online game.
Wheather it be ways to walk through walls, turn invisible, or simply walk on air. Or even some way of scamming another player, to make THEIR gaming experience a lot easier for THEM. So be weary on your choice of friends in W101.
Best thing I can say is, stay away from RANDOM friend invites. Friendship has and always will be earned, either in real life or a simple online game. Friendship IS NOT a giving at all.
So I am sorry to say, do not expect to see a REAL MONEY mount just giving to you. Nothing in life is free.