I have recently been farming the trial of spheres in celestia to get my 58 ice gear and i am very embarrassed and agrivated to say this was near my 28th time farming it. And what i have noticed was that my storm, balance, life, myth, and other schools seemed to get all the gear they need in or two tries, my friend who is ice just got the ice robe and finished and he had been farming with me. I'm just wondering because i have heard that other schools get it a lot easier than ice and i'm just wondering is it only conicidence that it is easier for schools other than ice to get the 58 gear because this is something that i just am not understanding
I have recently been farming the trial of spheres in celestia to get my 58 ice gear and i am very embarrassed and agrivated to say this was near my 28th time farming it. And what i have noticed was that my storm, balance, life, myth, and other schools seemed to get all the gear they need in or two tries, my friend who is ice just got the ice robe and finished and he had been farming with me. I'm just wondering because i have heard that other schools get it a lot easier than ice and i'm just wondering is it only conicidence that it is easier for schools other than ice to get the 58 gear because this is something that i just am not understanding
My death character took at least 20 Test of the Spheres runs to get my hat, and then I got the boots two more runs after that. The robe is taking forever to get ;( I actually don't mind farming; it can be fun with the right group of people. However, I can NEVER find a group that can commit to a couple of hours of farming without having to leave in the middle of a dungeon.
Hello, Don't be disappointed, I remember it taking me 2 weeks to get my death boots in DS and I have been trying every so often for fire robe in CL ,yet my balance got hers right away. Here is my logic- Even though it takes time to get the item I want at least I am still making lots of gold selling the items I don't want.
Anyway nothing against Ice wizards, its plain luck :)
My death character took at least 20 Test of the Spheres runs to get my hat, and then I got the boots two more runs after that. The robe is taking forever to get ;( I actually don't mind farming; it can be fun with the right group of people. However, I can NEVER find a group that can commit to a couple of hours of farming without having to leave in the middle of a dungeon.
My wife and I would love to join you when we reach the Test of the Spheres. Before in the other 6 worlds we disliked being joined by anyone but in Celestia things became all to clear to us (Life and Ice) that we need help :) I am Life/fire/death/moon and my wife is Ice/life/death/star.
I have to say that some schools seem to have greater luck with drops.
I've fought Malistaire numerous times, and the majority of robes were Fire. The DS bosses have dropped a ton of Myth accessories, too. In Celestia, most of what drops for me is Life and Myth gear.
I'm not against farming for your gear, but there should be a slightly greater chance that your school items drop for you. I have no idea if it's possible to work the game mechanic so it recognizes your school, but it certainly would make farming a bit less tedious. I would also like to see the 'No trade, no auction' be removed for the level 58 gear to make it at least tradable between your wizards.
But I'm with you, here. I see very little Ice gear in the luck of the draw I'm having.
I would like to update this i posted on try 28, i am now on try 57. My friend running with me who was death got everything she needed after 4 tries. The next one running with me is fire, he got it in 7 tries. My balance friend just got his last piece his robe a total of 6 tries, and another balance just finished her set with a total of 9 tries. I mean 57? I recently met an ice who had the same exact problem it took him 42 tries to get full, and another ice who is on try 38 and hasnt gotten it either. Does it also seem fair that both our robe and hat drop from mithraya the last boss in the whole dungeon i have been ditched 7 times by storm people that get their hat from astraeus and ditch right after.