I'm loving the new ultra dungeons. There's one issue that should be fixed/changed with the Rattlebones exalted. I'm not sure if it is an unintended bug, or a design flaw. There's an intended cheat - a high power Mana burn - on players who miss the first round. That's fine, but it also triggers any time a player flees and returns. That seems ill-advised and somewhat unfair on a single-shot crown item, since a player who is knocked out will have a VERY difficult time getting back into the fight. Unless you have a dedicated team healer or high resist, you could reenter and be defeated again immediately. That's going to result in some angry customers. Challenges are good, but being loop-killed crosses the line to rage-inducing.
I suggest keeping the cheat for the opening rounds, but changing it to not activate upon dungeon recall.
Agree with this for all tiers. We get it, you don't want coattail-riding lower level wizards joining late. But if you are legit not set up with tanking gear, you will find it hard to finish. Our hitter died the round he was to hit, and then never again could join without dying before he had enough pips to hit.
This happens every time, it is not a bug but a cheat that Rattlebone does along with many other cheats. For a full guide for the ultra dungeons for Rattlebones, click the links below.
I'm loving the new ultra dungeons. There's one issue that should be fixed/changed with the Rattlebones exalted. I'm not sure if it is an unintended bug, or a design flaw. There's an intended cheat - a high power Mana burn - on players who miss the first round. That's fine, but it also triggers any time a player flees and returns. That seems ill-advised and somewhat unfair on a single-shot crown item, since a player who is knocked out will have a VERY difficult time getting back into the fight. Unless you have a dedicated team healer or high resist, you could reenter and be defeated again immediately. That's going to result in some angry customers. Challenges are good, but being loop-killed crosses the line to rage-inducing.
I suggest keeping the cheat for the opening rounds, but changing it to not activate upon dungeon recall.
It isn't a bug and I would suspect that cheat is intended to be used against "flee'ers" as KI is well aware players use that as a strategy in dungeons (why go to the effort of putting that cheat in simply for the rare cases when players don't make it in together on the opening round?).
Also, that cheat is extremely easy to negate. Simply use a Balance dispel before someone flees or reenters the battle.