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Kapudan's Boarding Hook?

Apr 18, 2010
I got a level 70 variant of this want a few days ago. I recall it giving Death damage, however I was comparing stats to something in my bank and noticed that it now gives Myth damage. Were the item's stats wrongly applied on release, or is this a bug?

Dec 09, 2008
ReliableDiamondThu... on Sep 18, 2019 wrote:
I got a level 70 variant of this want a few days ago. I recall it giving Death damage, however I was comparing stats to something in my bank and noticed that it now gives Myth damage. Were the item's stats wrongly applied on release, or is this a bug?
Yes, this was a bug, please see the following update notes for details: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/ravenwood-commons/game-update-for-september-18-2019-8ad6a42b6d4388df016d44959ca10e8a?page=1