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Karamelle Badge "Drawless Victory" Possibly Bugged

Jul 18, 2016
Hello Wizards of the Spiral and Kingsisle staff!

I would like to open this thread by keeping it short and sweet and cutting right to the chase. I am a badge collector and I love collecting badges. The harder the badge is to get, the more valuable the badge is since that in turn means fewer players have said badge. Now that you know I love collecting the tough badges of The Spiral, I would like to address a badge that I went for but didn't get which might mean that the badge might be bugged.

So basically, for those who have done Karamelle, you might be familiar with a boss known as the Jamburglar. The Jamburglar is a side quest boss located in Sweetzburg, Karamelle and has some pretty cool badges. I was successfully able to get "Took a Bite Out of Crime" badge from him by defeating him in 3 turns on my level 137 Myth wizard (I used Double Feint into an Epic Enchanted Celestial Calendar with 20% Stun Resist to negate the turn one Stun). Now, that being said, I found another unique badge that the Jamburglar drops, the plan was made, and that was my next target. The badge known as "Drawless Victory."

For those that don't know about this badge, you obtain it by defeating the Jamburglar without casting any spells at all and letting the Jamburglar die to his own cheat since he loses 10% of his maximum health per turn, which is 1,100 self-damage per turn. The wizard loses 15% of their health per turn. Now, that being said, I don't see how you can get
Drawless Victory without a healing may cast pet to out-sustain his cheat. Me and a friend duo'ed it and we survived because we got a ton of healing may casts from our pet. However, we did not cast any spells at all during the entire duration of that fight, thus meaning we should have gotten Drawless Victory badge, but we did not. What is up with that? Is it bugged or did we do something wrong? Like I said, we didn't discard any cards or cast spells. Only our pets casted spells as may casts to heal off the cheat until Jamburglar died to his own cheat. Sparck, can you please look into this or tell us if we're doing something wrong for the Drawless Victory badge? Thanks and have a blessed day!!!! I love all the hard work you guys at Kingsisle do to keep the game running free of bugs and listening to player feedback and player bug reports. Stay blessed!!!!!!!!

See ya in the Spiral!!!!!

Blaze DreamBlade (Master of Myth and Monsters)
Blaze StormSword (Master of Storm and Lightning)
Blaze StarBlade (Master of Life and Nature)
Blaze MoonCloud (Master of Fire and Burning)
Blaze CrowWraith (Master of Death and the Dark Arts)

Dec 20, 2008
That's cool. I actually didn't know that the Jamburglar had any badges. I've done tons of runs but I never notice that. Thanks for mentioning!

Did you use stun resistance in order to not get stunned in the first turn while going for the 3 turn badge?

I'm not sure how you would be able to get Drawless Victory without using may casts or at least heals. That probably is a bug. Hopefully the staff notice this.

Aug 09, 2009
It's bugged. It isn't the only bugged Karamelle badge either. There's a badge from Heidi that is bugged as well as a few from Judge Veg. I saw Mattnetic address these, so they are aware