Same thing happened to me last night. 3 times in a row... (First time its ever happened)
To make it worse - I was in battle, it lost connection, then re-connected, my cards disappeared, as well as my "book" I hit escape and could hear the sound of the book opening, but nothing was there. The cursor changed to the wand with the cards, but no cards.
I had to use task manager to close w101, then restarted, I was STILL in a battle and still could not select cards! The book did reappear so I had to exit then try again. 3rd time it worked... very odd
Actually,your wrong, It is not because of people's computers,IamLezul. It ALWAYS happends to me! . It is because of the Wizard 101 Servers that cause that problem. .Probaly because there's to many people on a realm and it slows it down or Wizard 101 is working to make it better. But it is never the computers fault,It's Wizard 101 Servers.
same thing happens to me i lost my connection today 7 times in a row, every time i lose my connection i reboot my computer but it never seems to work PLZ PLZ PLZ HELP
same thing happens to me i lost my connection today 7 times in a row, every time i lose my connection i reboot my computer but it never seems to work PLZ PLZ PLZ HELP
Luke Skywalker Level 50 Sorcerer
Hehehe. sry for all the faces, i REALLY like them, and um no more problems