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KI can't count

Apr 30, 2010
I've noticed this many times while battling. The person I'm fighting will have a +40% blade and a +30% trap on me and i will have a 70% defense shield, yet the damage won't be normal damage, it will be much lower. I'm not sure what math KI is using to figure this out but it sure isn't the math I'm learning cause last time i checked 40+30 still equaled 70

PS: i did not have a resist against these spells so that can not be taken into account

Just wondering about this though, its not like I'm complaining that i don't get hurt as much, just confused as to why i dont

Dec 09, 2008
iys not only that, also when i have like 100% more because of my 30 and 40% blades, and then my 30% trap, then if they use tower shield or weakness its less than a normal hit to. I dont get this either.

May 17, 2009
RedWolff wrote:
I've noticed this many times while battling. The person I'm fighting will have a +40% blade and a +30% trap on me and i will have a 70% defense shield, yet the damage won't be normal damage, it will be much lower. I'm not sure what math KI is using to figure this out but it sure isn't the math I'm learning cause last time i checked 40+30 still equaled 70

PS: i did not have a resist against these spells so that can not be taken into account

Just wondering about this though, its not like I'm complaining that i don't get hurt as much, just confused as to why i dont

Think of it this way. You take 100 damage, but you have up a tower shield. It then goes to 50 damage. But say they have a curse and a 30% blade. It doubles 50, which goes to 100. That is why it does less than it should

Nov 19, 2010
It doesn't take the bonuses/penalties and add/subtract them together, then calculate your bonus/penalty. Each bonus or penalty is figured on it's own.

So if you were doing 100 damage, had a +40% blade and +30% trap on you and your opponent had a 70% shield the damage would be calculated like this:

100 x 1.4 = 140
140 x 1.3 = 182
182 x 0.3 = 54.6 and then I think it rounds it down so it would be 54.

Hope that helps.

May 20, 2010
Multiple attack spells are multiplied, not added.

A 30 and 40 pct spell will be 1.3 x 1.4 or 1.82 damage.

Apr 18, 2010
RedWolff wrote:
I've noticed this many times while battling. The person I'm fighting will have a +40% blade and a +30% trap on me and i will have a 70% defense shield, yet the damage won't be normal damage, it will be much lower. I'm not sure what math KI is using to figure this out but it sure isn't the math I'm learning cause last time i checked 40+30 still equaled 70

PS: i did not have a resist against these spells so that can not be taken into account

Just wondering about this though, its not like I'm complaining that i don't get hurt as much, just confused as to why i dont

dude its not like that. your blade and your trap were probably taking first then the shield. so that means that it went 70% more damage than it would have been then the shield which blocks out 70% or that.

Oct 14, 2009
The reason for this is that boosts are not all applied at the same time. For instance:

100 damage +40% blade = 140 damage
140 damage +30% trap = 182 damage
182 damage -70% shield = 55 damage (rounded up)

Jun 02, 2009
The percentages work in ratios. A negative 70% shield won't cancel out positive 70% damage. For an example, add 20% to 100 initial damage and you get 120 damage. Then if you subtract 20% you get 96 damage. What annoys me about this fact is that a -25% Weakness will pretty much cancel out a +35% blade.

Quinn Deaththorn - Legendary Necromancer

May 26, 2009

40% blade 500 x .40 = 200
500 + 200 = 700
30% trap 700 x .30 = 210
700 + 210 = 910
70% shield 910 x .70 = 637
910 - 637 = 273


merry christmas ^.^ hope I didn't confuse anyone...

May 03, 2010
A +20% in this game doesn't really mean +20% base damage in this game, rather multiplies whatever results you have now by 1.2. Therefore, although they look like plusses and minuses, all the math involved in damage calculation is multiplication, with lots of multipliers.

In your example, you have +40%, +30% and -70%.

+40% means a multiplier of 1.4
+30% means a multiplier of 1.3
-70% means a multiplier of 0.3

And so the final damage is the base damage multiplied by:
1.4 * 1.3 * 0.3 = 0.546
Or 54.6 percent of base damage.

Note how much more effective shields are than blades/traps. The blade plus the trap are not enough to double the damage, but one shield cuts the damage to less than a third. The end result is about halving the damage.

Apr 12, 2009
The system doesnt work that way. Here's an example of how it works:

They use an attack that does 100, plus a 40% blade makes it 140, plus a 30% trap makes it 182. Then the shield is factored in and takes 70% off of that, making it do 56. Hope this helped.

Mar 12, 2010
Wow. You guys/gals are really good at explaining the percentages and stuff. Your math teachers would be really proud!!! Good Job ! ! :D

Apr 12, 2010
Also remember to take into account the fact the people wear gear that has damage boost on it.

Feb 06, 2010
The game takes the total percent of your blades and traps, and adds them as damage to your attack, then if your opponent had a 70% shield, it would take the damage that you were doing total and divide by 70%.