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krampus didn't drop anything...

Feb 26, 2012
So i fought a gold key cramps and got nothing
he only dropped 30 xp... a waste of a gold key...

Jul 24, 2015
I got some black coal (reagent) and a 1-day candy cane mount. I'm not planning to use any more skeleton keys on this dungeon. Others, such as Omen and Aphrodite, seem to give better rewards for the effort and the key.

Aug 03, 2016
Yep same.

We beat the 30,000 health gold key krampus and everyone got a lump of coal and some other small prize.

Nightshade (Stormdrain Tower, in Triton Avenue Haunted Cave) has better drops, and he doesn't need a key.

Jun 19, 2010
I went solo in all three Krampus Holiday Dungeons. I love the animation and story told at the start of the dungeon. I also enjoyed fighting Krampus, and his never ending appearing gingerbread men. Sure, I felt victorious after winning the long, hard fought solo battle. But in truth, the lump of coal as a reward did not overwhelm and cause me to pass out afterwards. However, the first thought that came to me was; what a great place to add a second chance chest! I'll definitely do the dungeon again to help friends out.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
More Coal for everyone!!!!

That being said I've only fought the Wood Key version and I got a couple pet snacks and a lump of coal. Guaranteed coal farming for everyone!

May 02, 2015
This needs to not be a key boss. Just take the lock off.

Aug 03, 2016
I loved the Christmas room, when we go in? Absolutely stunning.

Jan 19, 2012
I must be lucky because on the wooden key I got his wand and on the gold key I got the 120 wand but stone key was no wand

Jul 16, 2009
dude i know because all i got was one piece of coal and 30 xp

Apr 09, 2011
pretty much the same thing just 30xp and a lump of coal.

also why is there four dungeon entrances all over the spiral but when you do a team up. you get from players from all the areas. not just the area you put in for the team up.

pretty much they should remove three of the entrances and just keep the one in Ravenwoods.

I do not understand this.

also there should be more drops.

Aug 03, 2016
exp613 on Dec 10, 2016 wrote:
More Coal for everyone!!!!

That being said I've only fought the Wood Key version and I got a couple pet snacks and a lump of coal. Guaranteed coal farming for everyone!
*yay, coal*

There must be a huge fireplace somewhere that needs fuel. Lol

Dec 31, 2009
The only drops he really has is the wand and some pets, other than that its a waste of effort. The wand is pretty easy to get (and only good if you want to stitch it), unless you collect pets do not bother farming after that.

Aug 03, 2016
Our group fought all 3 keys' Krampus battles. Only one person got one wand one time. So the wand doesn't seem very easy to get but maybe other people had different results.

I'd say go for Nightshade, but that's just me.

Jan 15, 2014
i know i literally got black coal and nothing else. Waste of time and key

Dec 14, 2010
Same for my group - nothing but coal. I'm seeing some people claiming he respawned and they could fight him multiple time off a single key usage, but not us. Never respawned..

Extremely disappointed and a complete waste of a key.