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Lady Blackhope look different in hedge maze

Jul 15, 2009
Hi kingsisle, i'm not exactly sure if this is a bug or not but, in unicorn way when you look at it from the map lady blackhope looks normal. When you go into hedge maze, and look at the map of unicorn way, her appearance changes into some green ghost. Is this some sort of error or bug, or she was just simply meant to look like a ghost for some reason when entering hedge maze, or is this a problem with just my wizard?

May 20, 2010
I see the same thing on the street and in the Hedge Maze: a green face with a black hood.

Jul 21, 2009
Hmm. I'm not quite sure HOW that happened, but I'll tell you this much.

Lady Blackhope used to look like that, really. Just a lost soul with a green body. A year or two ago, they did a rehaul on her. They might have not changed it in the hedge maze, but I can tell you that this was her former appearance.

Aug 03, 2011
Jun 10, 2011
fujtdjdjtdtyd wrote:
Hi kingsisle, i'm not exactly sure if this is a bug or not but, in unicorn way when you look at it from the map lady blackhope looks normal. When you go into hedge maze, and look at the map of unicorn way, her appearance changes into some green ghost. Is this some sort of error or bug, or she was just simply meant to look like a ghost for some reason when entering hedge maze, or is this a problem with just my wizard?

That would be Lady BlackHope's old look. She used to look like a green version of a lost soul or foulgaze. A couple years ago, KI changed her appearance to a Maiden. Just like The two banshees in FireCat Alley. They use to look like the spell of the banshee (death). But, they changed into a more detailed version so that it would not be so confusing. They may have not updated that map though. I hope that helped! XD