I'm sure people already noticed this, but i want to bring this to light. I recently started a new ice character and before i reached level 7 the lights in the library were on and changed accordingly to quests. However when i reached level 7 and did the quests for the Pet Pavillion the windows outside the library were gone and replaced with just hollow window frames and lights turned on in a shop accross from the housing shop in the shopping district.
Before people bring this up; i just recently got a new computer so the video drivers are up-to-date so the problem is not the video drivers.
Please leave a comment if you notice this with your characters. Thanks! :D
I've noticed this before, all though the Library I don't mind so much, but it's that closed shop with the lights on that needs to be fixed. I'm not bothered by the Library so much for two Reasons...
1 :I already know it's a building you can enter
2 :I never understood why those two windows on either side of the door couldn't be seen from the inside because of those bookshelves. Why put the windows there if you can't even see through them? Those windows are just better off not being there at all.
But I do find the lights on in that closed shop a bit misleading, so they should really fix that. The Library too, but leave those two windows alone.