Ok first off getting in this morning has been ridiculous. A prompt would appear saying that connection to wizard was either lost or not happening and to try again later. So far it's been about a 1 in 3 chance you will get online to the game. Once on I attempted to tend my garden. The first time I tried the spell started to go through and then the page flipped and then the game froze. When I say the page flipped I mean that the page that has the little doodly wizards on it flipped and refreshed. When this happened the spell I was going to use remained clicked on but the little check mark icon did not appear and nothing else functioned. I could move around my house but thatw as all. The second and third time I tried this happened as well but I was able to do some gardening first. The last time which was just a moment ago I tried to train my pet. The game loaded successfully, I achieved seventy pizzas and the timer wound down and then the game froze with me half stuck in the wall and half in the sky. My wizard was there not my pet and my stats were loaded as if I were outside the pet game kiosk. I couldnt do anything at this point at all, not even move my wizard so I closed the game and came here to report it. I know that you guys are working hard to keep the game running but I have to say that as a patron I feel as if I often do not get my monies worth. The game glitches out a lot normally but this jumps up an alarming rate when either a new world is added or a bunch of new items such as pets and mounts. You know the economy isnt great, money is tight everywhere, so when you spend money on items like evil magma pea seeds and spend hours and hours caring for them it feels like theft when the game glitches to the point that your purchase gets messed up or becomes unusable because of multiple and often game errors. Just something to consider.