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Lore of the Runes quest- help!!!

Jul 06, 2012
So I've been clearing out my quest log, finishing up side quests and stuff, and realized I never completed the Grizzleheim book quest Lore of the Runes, even though I'm working on Wintertusk. I collected all the books up to the Winterdeep Warren one, and went to get that one as well. I hopped on the sigil, looked up the location of the book online, and ran to get it.
I ran into a slight problem there. I never did the Winterdeep Warrens quest, instead going right to the center dungeon to defeat all the bosses at once (at the time, I didn't even realize the Warrens were part of the quest as my arrow wasn't pointing to them). Inside the dungeon, there are a couple of "walls." These block some of the paths I need to take to reach the book, and I assume when you do the dungeon quest, you unlock entry throughout the quest. This poses a problem, as now I CANNOT REACH THE BOOK. After realizing this, I tried a few things:
-Exploring the maze to find another path to the book
-Asking a friend with a 2-person mount to help me through (I'm having a hard time finding a friend with a 2p mount who's completed this dungeon)
-Glitching through
-Finding a friend who has this exact quest in case it makes the instance quest appear in my log (none have it)
None of these have worked. I'm at a stalemate, and I need to know if anyone else here has encountered this problem, and if so, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Am I doomed to have this quest stuck on my log forever? Is there an unblocked path to it that I didn't notice? Help!

-Sarah Moonshade, Archmage Conjurer

Oct 24, 2010
sarahofmyth on Jan 3, 2015 wrote:
So I've been clearing out my quest log, finishing up side quests and stuff, and realized I never completed the Grizzleheim book quest Lore of the Runes, even though I'm working on Wintertusk. I collected all the books up to the Winterdeep Warren one, and went to get that one as well. I hopped on the sigil, looked up the location of the book online, and ran to get it.
I ran into a slight problem there. I never did the Winterdeep Warrens quest, instead going right to the center dungeon to defeat all the bosses at once (at the time, I didn't even realize the Warrens were part of the quest as my arrow wasn't pointing to them). Inside the dungeon, there are a couple of "walls." These block some of the paths I need to take to reach the book, and I assume when you do the dungeon quest, you unlock entry throughout the quest. This poses a problem, as now I CANNOT REACH THE BOOK. After realizing this, I tried a few things:
-Exploring the maze to find another path to the book
-Asking a friend with a 2-person mount to help me through (I'm having a hard time finding a friend with a 2p mount who's completed this dungeon)
-Glitching through
-Finding a friend who has this exact quest in case it makes the instance quest appear in my log (none have it)
None of these have worked. I'm at a stalemate, and I need to know if anyone else here has encountered this problem, and if so, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Am I doomed to have this quest stuck on my log forever? Is there an unblocked path to it that I didn't notice? Help!

-Sarah Moonshade, Archmage Conjurer
Yes, you must do the dungeon to the point where you can access the book... it's part of the maze which you should study below. I got there with no problem...


Jul 06, 2012
RavenLady777 on Jan 3, 2015 wrote:
Yes, you must do the dungeon to the point where you can access the book... it's part of the maze which you should study below. I got there with no problem...

But I've already passed that quest, and I can't go back to it (you have the option of defeating each boss alone or all in the center dungeon, and I did the latter). My point is that because I didn't and can not do the instance quest, I'm kind of stuck, and can't figure out a way to reach the book.

Oct 09, 2011
RavenLady said pretty much what I would have said, and I want to add that the Nidavellir dungeons don't have instance quests. You have to figure them out on your own. Also, the side dungeons aren't part of the quest The Bigger They Are. There's no way of knowing they help you with the Jotun fight.

Jul 06, 2012
lewski on Jan 4, 2015 wrote:
RavenLady said pretty much what I would have said, and I want to add that the Nidavellir dungeons don't have instance quests. You have to figure them out on your own. Also, the side dungeons aren't part of the quest The Bigger They Are. There's no way of knowing they help you with the Jotun fight.
There's the wiki on wizard101 central. I often look up my quests on there to see what quests I have coming up. But if there's no instance quest, I'll keep looking for another way in.


If you need to research which quest you may have missed here are some lists:



If you need extra help, send an email to support@wizard101.com so they can assist you further.

Mar 12, 2010
sarahofmyth on Jan 3, 2015 wrote:
So I've been clearing out my quest log, finishing up side quests and stuff, and realized I never completed the Grizzleheim book quest Lore of the Runes, even though I'm working on Wintertusk. I collected all the books up to the Winterdeep Warren one, and went to get that one as well. I hopped on the sigil, looked up the location of the book online, and ran to get it.
I ran into a slight problem there. I never did the Winterdeep Warrens quest, instead going right to the center dungeon to defeat all the bosses at once (at the time, I didn't even realize the Warrens were part of the quest as my arrow wasn't pointing to them). Inside the dungeon, there are a couple of "walls." These block some of the paths I need to take to reach the book, and I assume when you do the dungeon quest, you unlock entry throughout the quest. This poses a problem, as now I CANNOT REACH THE BOOK. After realizing this, I tried a few things:
-Exploring the maze to find another path to the book
-Asking a friend with a 2-person mount to help me through (I'm having a hard time finding a friend with a 2p mount who's completed this dungeon)
-Glitching through
-Finding a friend who has this exact quest in case it makes the instance quest appear in my log (none have it)
None of these have worked. I'm at a stalemate, and I need to know if anyone else here has encountered this problem, and if so, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Am I doomed to have this quest stuck on my log forever? Is there an unblocked path to it that I didn't notice? Help!

-Sarah Moonshade, Archmage Conjurer
When you enter Winterdeep Warrens, the walls do not disappear. You must work your way through the maze.

So your problem seems to be getting through the maze so you can pick up the book.

This link gives details on the three areas of Nidavellir. On that link, scroll down about halfway through all of the bosses, and you will find three separate maps for Helgrind Warren, Winterdeep Warren, and the Hall of Valor.

It has a good map for Winterdeep Warren that will take you through the maze, and help you avoid extra battles in that area. To get the book in that area, before you go "up the ramp" at the end to get Grettir, turn left and the book is right there. After you pick up the book, you can teleport out to The Commons again. If you walk slowly and carefully, following the path on the map, you should be able to pick up the book without any battles at all.


Also, the yardbird is in Helgrind Warren area, in the Storm Room. The map on the link above has a picture of the yardbird to help you find it.

Jul 06, 2012
AluraMist2 on Jan 5, 2015 wrote:
When you enter Winterdeep Warrens, the walls do not disappear. You must work your way through the maze.

So your problem seems to be getting through the maze so you can pick up the book.

This link gives details on the three areas of Nidavellir. On that link, scroll down about halfway through all of the bosses, and you will find three separate maps for Helgrind Warren, Winterdeep Warren, and the Hall of Valor.

It has a good map for Winterdeep Warren that will take you through the maze, and help you avoid extra battles in that area. To get the book in that area, before you go "up the ramp" at the end to get Grettir, turn left and the book is right there. After you pick up the book, you can teleport out to The Commons again. If you walk slowly and carefully, following the path on the map, you should be able to pick up the book without any battles at all.


Also, the yardbird is in Helgrind Warren area, in the Storm Room. The map on the link above has a picture of the yardbird to help you find it.
Thank you!!! I got it. Thanks for replying everyone :):):)