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Lost Friends

Jun 23, 2016
There really should be a way where we could get back friends who we accidentally deleted or they accidentally deleted us. ... I had a really good close friend named Joshua DarkCaster, and we did almost everything together. BUt recently, I've been busy with work and studying so I couldn't go on. A few days ago when I did, he disappeared from my friends list. Not only mine, but some of our other good friends as well. :( I grew up shy and did not have many friends so Joshua means a lot to me.. If you ever run into him, he's a 110 death wizard with a pet egg named Sparky. His gear is fully black and white, and he has blue hair. ~ Cheryl WildBlossom, 110 Ice

Nov 19, 2009
I am so sorry to hear about your missing friend. Chances are he is either One of these: 1: He removed everyone on his friends list 2: He deleted His character which Deletes everyone on the list. 3: His account was banned (this removes all Players from lists). I hope you can find Other friends who were just as nice :)

Jun 23, 2016
Maycast on Oct 11, 2016 wrote:
I am so sorry to hear about your missing friend. Chances are he is either One of these: 1: He removed everyone on his friends list 2: He deleted His character which Deletes everyone on the list. 3: His account was banned (this removes all Players from lists). I hope you can find Other friends who were just as nice :)
Thank you very much! I hope that I could meet more people just as nice, but he will always be in my heart. we were staring to get really close and stuff it was more than an in game friendship; it was outside the game too. Also thank you for listing the possible reasons he could be gone. (: and esp thanks for replying. I really appreciate it.