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Lost gifts.

Sep 20, 2008
I recently purchased two Builder's Bundles on-site, and when checking my gifts waiting to be redeemed, I noticed that some had vanished, including the gear set from the Dino Bundle, which is gone now. I assume this is because I also had some other gifts waiting before, and they hit a space limit, given that it filled up at 10 pages exactly. I've sent a support email already, but I wanted to be sure that this was resolved, especially since there is no warning provided about this. I'm posting in the hopes that eventually a warning will be added to bundle purchases, or code redemption, and that my missing items will be returned.

Sep 20, 2008
So I guess I panicked too soon, because after I claimed some gifts and logged in and out, the rest reappeared. A warning that you can only have so many pages of gifts would be nice, but it's fine now.

Sep 17, 2012
If you have more than 10 pages, just redeem stuff to free up space, log out and back in again. The missing pages should appear