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Lost Main Quest

Aug 10, 2018
After i completed the quest where you fight Sergeant Skullsplitter my main quest was gone and I don't know what to do or how to find it. I tried using the quest finder but it only led me to side quests. Please help!

Jan 04, 2018
You can access what's called a "Quest Tree" for any given world. For example, enter "Wizard City Quest Tree" to your internet search engine, click the result from Wizard101.com, and scroll to the Triton Avenue tier. The quest tree will list, in order, the main quests for your place in the game, and show you side quests, too. This is an easy way to make sure you always know what the main quest is if you are trying to stay on track. Good luck!

Hannah Stormsong

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
The quest is called "Sylvia Drake," given by Gloria Krendell. She asks you to defeat Sgt. Skullsplitter to get back her scrapbook. Once you've defeated Skullsplitter, go back to Gloria by the Bazaar. She will thank you and send you back to Ambrose with the quest, "A Potion for Bartleby."

However, these are side quests.

Your main quest will be located inside your questbook and will send you to the various streets off Olde Town. You will have main quests in Firecat Alley, Triton Avenue and Cyclops Lane. Main quests are lit up with golden stars. Hopefully you'll find the quests are there on the first page waiting to be selected. Click on one and you'll be on your way.

Good luck!

Alia Misthaven