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Lvl 30 Glitch

Apr 23, 2012
When I turned level 30 merle ambrose told me to come to his office but when I got there nothing was new, help?

Apr 14, 2009
Do not worry, he will call you at random levels for no reason, so just ignore those messages and you'll be fine. 8)

Mar 13, 2011
Uhh, I'm afraid to ask but aren't you supposed to unlock Mirkholm Keep at Level 30? If I am incorrect sorry, I havent been level 30 since last year.

Luke Icehammer Level 67 Legendary Thaumaturge
Luke Shadowblade Level 11 Initiate Sorcerer (PvP)

Oct 24, 2010
caninn wrote:
Uhh, I'm afraid to ask but aren't you supposed to unlock Mirkholm Keep at Level 30? If I am incorrect sorry, I havent been level 30 since last year.

Luke Icehammer Level 67 Legendary Thaumaturge
Luke Shadowblade Level 11 Initiate Sorcerer (PvP)

Not if you haven't played through the other areas first.

This is a random 'call to the office' glitch that doesn't have anything to do with any quests. It happens a lot. :)

Feb 26, 2012
MrMark1337 wrote:
When I turned level 30 merle ambrose told me to come to his office but when I got there nothing was new, help?

Do not ignore it just put it in the back of your mind and when you get too a place where it does not seem you can go on talk to him and he will possibly have a quest. ITS NOT A GLITCH!!!!! He actually does have a quest for you but your lvl and in game progress is not at the same place to get the quest, so you have to be lvl 30 and be at a certain point in the game to get it, make sense?

May 31, 2010
When i got to level 31, errors and glitches started happening. I got to level 33 but it's still not loading and my chain connection is always constantly failing. How can i fix this?