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Lying about age for open chat?

Mar 12, 2009
In my opinion, letting younger kids have open chat takes out the whole concept of 18+ chat. Why not let then have text chat? I'm a teenager and is completely fine with text chat.

To me, the whole 18+ seems to be ignored. Whenever I see someone with the open chat, usually I conclude that they are probably not an adult. The people I've talked to/seen with open chat, do not even seem close to an adult. I think you shouldn't be able to change the date of your birth unless you send a support email to Mr. Lincoln, adressing any reason for not having the correct DOB.

I think if you think your child is responsible, reliable and mature(any out of the three, in my opinion). I don't think that adults should let their child lie about their age just because open chat is considered the 'best' kind of chat. Sure, it's the parent's choice to give them whichever chat, but why not give them text chat, if they've only had menu chat. I guess I can understand if they want menu chat if they're old enough to have text chat. An idea that I think that KI should add, is to add another option under the parental controls to allow their child open chat.

Just my 2 cents on the topic.

Jan 13, 2009
When i read this post i was sort of shocked.

I am 13 years old and i honestly think that the open chat is a little too strict. I'm not suggesting change since i know what un-censored open chat can do. But seriously people, KingsIsle already censored 40% of all words, so why do you have to be eighteen? The kid you reported deserved it, but that doesn't mean all kids under 18 are responcible.

I for one hate cursing and I am always shocked when kids from 10-15 years old curse regularly. All i am saying is, the quickchat phrases or inconvienient and in all interest of maximizing fun on the game, the age should be lowered.

Jun 11, 2009
Zigmon wrote:
MissNat wrote:
Well, you lying about your child's age so they can have open chat can get this site in trouble with COPPA.

No it can't. COPPA was designed to protect child identity. The only identity information this site asks for is DOB. There is no name, SSN, zip, address, personal email, or anything else that can help someone to identify a child as an individual. The only email address that is asked for is the Parental Email address. Which is specifically identified as a requirement in the COPPA regulations. The only reason things could cross the line is if, as you stated, a child were to go and buy a gift card credit card and sign up as a subscriber. Then they would STILL have to willingly input their name and address information. Even at this point KI has complied and fulfilled their obligations. They cannot be held liable for someone lying.
Your posting extreme examples with half truths to back them up. Coming here and yelling "COPPA" about this issue is like screaming OSHA whenever someone spills a coffee.

They are liable if the actually investigated their reports and saw the child admitted to being14 with the 18 chat, KI would have to enforce the rules created for these kids protection in whatever manner they deem suitable. I just searched this forum because I too am a parent with a child and we both play the game. My son has limited chat, I have the open feature. I'm shocked and freaked out that so many kids have the Open chat feature. Its not safe, and its against rules and COPPA regulations. This isnt like spilling a cup of coffee, how ignorant does a person have to be to not realize how many predators there really are out there looking for kids. They dont have to abduct them, simply wandering the commons begging girls for favors is enough, AND I HAVE SEEN THAT DONE. I reported this individual 5 times in effort to get KI's attention, that's dispicable, and I bet you nothing has been done. I have witnessed people say explicit sexual things to one another, as well as drop every 4 letter word imaginable, even some that I didnt know, and I was a bartender in my early 20's.
Other games do not allow this type of behavior, and the OPEN chat says, "Profanity is still filtered".

Really?? It is? If you add an extra vowel or 2 to any 4 letter word its yellow and seen by all open chat players, including those little 10 year olds mentioned. Drugs are also permitted to be discussed in yellow. People opposed to the reporting of this kid may not care about other children, that is obvious, but remember these kids, (and sick adults, and children of deragened parents) are talking to YOUR kids too.

So, I wholeheartedly agree with your report, and I'm going to start reporting them too, as well as investigate what other gov't agencies look out for the welfare of children since so many of their parents dont, or dont understand what open chat REALLY allows.

Feb 15, 2009
I understand why they would of done this, teens probably have been on other sites where they were able to speak and chat freely. So, they don't want to be limited to what they can say on another game but i still think it's wrong and they would be mistaken for an adult.
Open Chat is for over 18s, but i think it's pointless trying to report them.
Text Chat: over 13s or under 13 with parent's permission, am i right? =/
And Menu Chat for under 13s that don't have permission from their parents to use Open Chat.

Nov 25, 2008
roczine wrote:
Zigmon wrote:
MissNat wrote:
Well, you lying about your child's age so they can have open chat can get this site in trouble with COPPA.

No it can't. COPPA was designed to protect child identity. The only identity information this site asks for is DOB. There is no name, SSN, zip, address, personal email, or anything else that can help someone to identify a child as an individual. The only email address that is asked for is the Parental Email address. Which is specifically identified as a requirement in the COPPA regulations. The only reason things could cross the line is if, as you stated, a child were to go and buy a gift card credit card and sign up as a subscriber. Then they would STILL have to willingly input their name and address information. Even at this point KI has complied and fulfilled their obligations. They cannot be held liable for someone lying.
Your posting extreme examples with half truths to back them up. Coming here and yelling "COPPA" about this issue is like screaming OSHA whenever someone spills a coffee.

They are liable if the actually investigated their reports and saw the child admitted to being14 with the 18 chat, KI would have to enforce the rules created for these kids protection in whatever manner they deem suitable. I just searched this forum because I too am a parent with a child and we both play the game. My son has limited chat, I have the open feature. I'm shocked and freaked out that so many kids have the Open chat feature. Its not safe, and its against rules and COPPA regulations. This isnt like spilling a cup of coffee, how ignorant does a person have to be to not realize how many predators there really are out there looking for kids. They dont have to abduct them, simply wandering the commons begging girls for favors is enough, AND I HAVE SEEN THAT DONE. I reported this individual 5 times in effort to get KI's attention, that's dispicable, and I bet you nothing has been done. I have witnessed people say explicit sexual things to one another, as well as drop every 4 letter word imaginable, even some that I didnt know, and I was a bartender in my early 20's.
Other games do not allow this type of behavior, and the OPEN chat says, "Profanity is still filtered".

Really?? It is? If you add an extra vowel or 2 to any 4 letter word its yellow and seen by all open chat players, including those little 10 year olds mentioned. Drugs are also permitted to be discussed in yellow. People opposed to the reporting of this kid may not care about other children, that is obvious, but remember these kids, (and sick adults, and children of deragened parents) are talking to YOUR kids too.

So, I wholeheartedly agree with your report, and I'm going to start reporting them too, as well as investigate what other gov't agencies look out for the welfare of children since so many of their parents dont, or dont understand what open chat REALLY allows.

I agree w/u about bad people playing in the game and children being defenceless w/open chat, but reporting a child just because he/she has open chat i don't agree. The rules for reporting are clearly stated, and having open chat because his/her parent allowed them to have is NOT a reason for report. It's up to their parent to be with the child @all times to take care of THEIR child.
We all know there are many predators in the game, that is why I DO NOT allow any of my children to play w/out me being present. I take care of my own children. I do not rely on anyone else doing that for me.

Be safe & have fun :)

See you in the realms ;)

May 23, 2009
Curlygoss1 wrote:
guys guys, people under 13 can use text chat, i am 10 (is it ok if i say this), and i can use it, i got my parents permision, when i tell my friends i am 10, sometimes i get, "but... text chat?" i say "Parents permission"
and then other times i get "wow, your a good player for 10 blah blah blah "
You cant report people under 13 for using text chat or people under 18 for using open chat, maybe they got parents permission

I tottally agree on this cause i am like 14 and i have open chat although my sis did it cause she is 18 but my parents said its fine so its not anyones decision other then your parents i mean honestly

Dec 20, 2008
THANK YOU GAMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MissNat it is up too whomever has the credit card on/controls the account. If you have a problem with it then :? how bout you talk too other people about it and ask questions, dont report inisint kids for something/ how old they are. And ty KI for replying, its just sad how kids got invovled and not only me. If i have a problem i just ask my mom or other people who knoe more about the game than i do. HAVE FUN WIZARDENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

May 15, 2009
Sheesh you NEED to get a grip on this overactive mind of yours
i am 16 But my Brother is 12 and he and i have Open chat this is because i hold the master account over my brothers and both of us have been approved by our mom to be responsible and mature for open chat
that what you have done is blowing this WAY out of proportion
that you SERIOUSLY need to go see a therapist ( no rudeness intended)
because the way you have acted you have so many parents at your throat its not funny

Dec 21, 2008
WAIT ONE MINUTE MISSNAT. Before you say that you should be reported for lying for your age being under 18. well guess what, THIS IS A KIDS GAME
so you really have no right to report any person that says " I am 10 years old". So that's just it ITS A KIDS GAME

May 22, 2009
Actually, lying about your age online is illegal. I once met someone with free chat (the one for people that don't have menu chat ut are not 18) and they had a sword of valor. I said "thanks for defending our country" they replied "I didn't i just wanted the sword" i replied "what thats just wrong!" they replied "Please don't report me i just wanted a sword!" I did not report them because i didn't see a reason to, but it bugs me that people would lie. I have also met kids with open chat (I won't lie, I am a kid).

May 15, 2009
yellow867 wrote:
Actually, lying about your age online is illegal. I once met someone with free chat (the one for people that don't have menu chat ut are not 18) and they had a sword of valor. I said "thanks for defending our country" they replied "I didn't i just wanted the sword" i replied "what thats just wrong!" they replied "Please don't report me i just wanted a sword!" I did not report them because i didn't see a reason to, but it bugs me that people would lie. I have also met kids with open chat (I won't lie, I am a kid).

oh that REALLY makes me mad when people like that its a disgrace to the family veterans who DID go to war like my grandfather did

Dec 17, 2008
MissNat wrote:
Are we supposed to report people who blatantly admit to not being 18, but lying about their age for the open chat feature?
I reported one person a week ago that said he had open chat & then admitted to being a kid.
Then last night, I was in PVP & someone mentioned they liked my Orthrus card & I said "Yeah, I love that card".
I then get a "WT? you have open chat!".. I then told him that yes, since I am an adult, I do have open chat.
He told me he was 14, so I reported him.
He turned around & reported me & informed that my report on him was false & that I would "lose my account" (I laughed to myself).
I told him that I hoped they would revoke his open chat & he said he didn't care & that he'd just change it back.. Told him he's just digging himself deeper as once a report is filed, they check chat logs.
He even said they wouldn't do anything to him because he was the "master" of his account.

Ok stop your ranting............ You obviously don't know that Headmaster Ambrose recommended that the "appropriate" age for text chat is 13...... You just got yourself in trouble for false reporting....... And Mr. Lincoln said if they didn't say anything valid for the report they are not in trouble.

A proud 9 year old,
Blaze Moonflame

Mar 19, 2010
MissNat wrote:
Sojourna wrote:
Honestly, I am an adult and a parent. I think you are doing too much and your reports, while technically true, are false reports.

You can only have open chat if the person who has the credit card chooses this option. This game requires one adult or paying customer, if the parent allows their kid to have it (while I dont think its a great idea) it is up to them. Who are you to report them?

Besides, niether of the kids you mentioned in this post did anything (according to you) that was offensive or worthy or being deemed as reportable.

You over-reacted. Open Chat isn't a license to be offensive, I beleive the same rules apply. So why go there unless they crossed a line? If anything you crossed the line and possibly cost an innocent kid to lose thier account because they had the ability you think only adults should have.

While I may agree with you that open chat isn't a good idea for all kids I don't agree with your methods. I believe if we should trust parents to KNOW their kids. If the kids cross the line then reporting them is fine but simply having open chat and them letting you know they were not 18 isn't bad behavior.

Speaking of bad behavior it would be nice if KI allowed us to write a few sentences to report people rather than the one liner we have to sum up the incidents in now. It may mean more reading on their part but would in the end mean we are able to safely get our point across and less investigation on KI's part. Assuming that any investigation is done.

It is set for 18+ for a reason.
If KI wanted the under 18s to have open chat, they wouldn't have made age specific chats, so all in all, it's considered "cheating" in my book.
And, as I did say, the kid DID do something wrong.
He worked around the filters in order to try & curse.
He said "WT?", which the majority of people that use the internet, KNOW what that "?" stands for.
Also, you can't deem my report as a "false report" because no one from KI has stated anything of the sort.. I asked my question in hopes that KI could inform us on what to do.
I'm an adult.. Last thing I need is to see a bunch of kids lying for the open chat feature just to cause trouble.

Also, you do NOT need an adult/parent to pay for a subscription or anything.
If a kid gets an allowance, he/she can easily go to WalMart & get a prepaid credit card.. Or go to 7-11/CVS & get one of the Gift Cards.

But, if the kids are going to continue lying about their age & blatantly admitting to it, then what's the point in having an 18+ chat?

OK fine, lets ban the 18+ chat, lets all speak with words only KI has given us, lets never get to say any words said in day to day life on a day to day game. Seriously your over reacting, its a game and evebn open chat filters outright swearing, besides if those players are smart enough to discover how to get the type of chat then surely there mature enough to know words available in open chat that arent in normal chat. THERE IS NO WAY TO STOP THIS TRICK. The parent can claim that they also play the game and that every now and then after the parent has played on the account, the child goes on and doesnt know how to turn off open chat? And you could of just reported that person, reporting a player for making a mistake that the majority of players their age wouldnt have even known how to fix? KingsIsle clearly states that chat is allowed for 18+ only. It is only available for subscribers so that knocks off a modestly large chunk of child players from getting the chat. If they choose the chat its there decision. You arent the superior. You dont decide whats right or wrong for the game. Thats Kings Isle job and they do that good enough for my standards and if they dont do it good enough for yours then i suggest you find a game without any form of chat at all. Or turn off all chat and just be a menu chatter. I couldnt care less, these players arent harassing you or offending you in any way. Besides, the reason a lot of kids change to open chat from normal chat is because they can barely say a word in normal chat, i mean even the word "loser" is banned. There are thousands of chat sites kids can use and see much worse language than on wizard101. If your an adult and can't take children having the same priviliges as you on a game where everyone's equal? And you see fine to report them for that? Wow thats really low.

Apr 26, 2009
We have two accounts, and both have open chat. The reason is because both adults and children play, and I'm not going to constantly switch it on/off. We share some characters, sometimes we play at the same time, sometimes we don't, but it's open chat because I know my child and trust him.

Every kid is different. Not all kids are careless enough to type in their phone number to someone online. My kid is one of those that will lecture ME on what I say in the game if he thinks that it's even remotely against the rules.

I suggest the original poster report kids who are giving out personal information (such as a phone number, address, or school name) only, not those that just happen to have open chat.

I'm the one in charge of our accounts, and *I* will choose how to run it and what limits I set with my own children.

If you think a 14 year old has his own account and has selected open chat for himself then you must remember that it's HIS parents that allow him to do what he wishes online without their supervision. What I find more appauling than that is the parents who allow text chat and don't supervise their children who go online begging for crown items constantly.

Feb 22, 2009
Listen, I think that your report was good and awful. Good because he did swear, saying "WT?" but really is it that needed to report someone underage for having open chat? If they're being mature and respectful to other players while having open chat, I don't view it as a problem, but in your case when he swore, that is an ideal reason to report

Aug 14, 2009
MissNat wrote:
Are we supposed to report people who blatantly admit to not being 18, but lying about their age for the open chat feature?
I reported one person a week ago that said he had open chat & then admitted to being a kid.
Then last night, I was in PVP & someone mentioned they liked my Orthrus card & I said "Yeah, I love that card".
I then get a "WT? you have open chat!".. I then told him that yes, since I am an adult, I do have open chat.
He told me he was 14, so I reported him.
He turned around & reported me & informed that my report on him was false & that I would "lose my account" (I laughed to myself).
I told him that I hoped they would revoke his open chat & he said he didn't care & that he'd just change it back.. Told him he's just digging himself deeper as once a report is filed, they check chat logs.
He even said they wouldn't do anything to him because he was the "master" of his account.

Your supposed to be over thirteen in order to have text chat, so you basically false reported that kid

Aug 14, 2009

Children are naive and vulnerable.
They can be easily taken advantage of, especially without the filters that Text chat has.

Some kids are not, some of them are taught by their parents to not give personal detail such as address or phone number to what I call predators. I always watch out for predators and NEVER EVER give my personal detail out. and some parents trust their kids to do the same as what I said. Its the parents decision, not some stranger online who just met him/her and reports him/her for it

Nov 13, 2009
I have open chat on my account that i share with my son. If I CHOOSE to let him play alone for an hour, is he lying about his age? Who are you to possibly report my son for a decision I make as a parent? I pay the bill, I own the account, I make the judgement calls about how I raise my children.

You have every right to report for bad language, however looking for children who happen to be playing on an account that is 18+ is not your job. I take the internet and my childs safety VERY seriously and if I make the decision to let my son play then that is MY RIGHT. Please MYOB.

Nov 13, 2009
MissNat wrote:
Kids have friends.
Whose to say they don't just jump on their friends computer?

As for everyone ASSUMING (you know what they say about those that ASSUME) that it was a "false report", KI has not mailed me nor have they clarified this.

As I already said, Professor Greyrose said that 18+ chat is for just that, 18+.
Why do you feel the need for your CHILD to have OPEN chat?
Text chat is just fine for them to manage around the game.. Why should they have the ability to type out numbers? Or say certain words?

None of you are explaining WHY your CHILD *must* have an open chat with other ADULTS.
People would throw a fit if a 14 year old was talking to several adults if it were anywhere else, so why is here any different?
If my 14 year old was lying about their age just so they can chat with adults or whatever their reason may be, I'd be taking my kids internet privileges away.

Until KI confirms that this is allowed or not, there's no need for you to say I'm supposedly "wrong" for doing what I did.
You're not one of the owners, mods, staff, whatever on here.. So, you don't know the true answer.

No one is explaining because we don't feel the need to explain OUR rights to make decisions for our children to you. Sorry to be blunt but IMO you have really overstepped your bounds in this matter.

Jun 13, 2009
MissNat wrote:
Are we supposed to report people who blatantly admit to not being 18, but lying about their age for the open chat feature?
I reported one person a week ago that said he had open chat & then admitted to being a kid.
Then last night, I was in PVP & someone mentioned they liked my Orthrus card & I said "Yeah, I love that card".
I then get a "WT? you have open chat!".. I then told him that yes, since I am an adult, I do have open chat.
He told me he was 14, so I reported him.
He turned around & reported me & informed that my report on him was false & that I would "lose my account" (I laughed to myself).
I told him that I hoped they would revoke his open chat & he said he didn't care & that he'd just change it back.. Told him he's just digging himself deeper as once a report is filed, they check chat logs.
He even said they wouldn't do anything to him because he was the "master" of his account.
reporting him? NO WAY, KI isnt enforcing ANYTHING about reporting those people! they let you enable it! why on earth would you think its against the rules! you made a bad decision to post this, i warn you this is gonna become a rant if it already hasnt,

p.s. i got text chat but i younger then 13

matthew stormwielder 38 diviner

Jun 02, 2009
Well first thing is first. I believe you only have to be thirteen to use open chat. And i don't see why you report someone for being younger?

Mar 28, 2010
I am not sure that this is reportable, while it is not recommended. I mean, think about it, someone's account gets banned because they weren't using the right chat? Hmm, it sounds a bit off to me. I agree with noworms overall. It is the parent's choice.

~Allison Dawnblood, Level 50 Diviner

Mar 11, 2010
I don't believe children under 18 should be allowed Open Chat regardless. The internet is a dangerous place, and this game isn't immune.

The thing is, these people don't just go up and ask for personal information or lurk in dark alleys - they become friends with them first, and children trust their friends.

I am an adult, and I had a 'friend' try to get my personal info in a very casual conversation that would have seemed normal if I didn't know what he was after.
When I told him I knew what he was up to, he took off like a shot, never to be heard from again. He acted like a kid and wasn't , and he didn't know I'm an adult.

Unfortunately, you can't be too careful. You have no idea who that friend is irl.

It's not that children are irresponsible, but that they are a bit too trusting of their online friends. This is how they are taken advantage of.

Mar 13, 2010
18?At the end of the tutorial,Merle Ambrose said you have to be 13 or older to have open chat.Or ask your parent's permission.

There is a difference between "text" chat and "open" chat!

Text chat lets you type, but has more restrictions. For example, these folks with text chat can't type numbers.

Adults have open chat, that allows typing most things, although it is still very filtered.

I read elsewhere in the forum that all chat is monitored, and you could be banned for exchanging any persnal information. So if someone gave our their phone number, I assume this would be caught.

Jun 06, 2009
cdd93 wrote:
I agree w/u about bad people playing in the game and children being defenceless w/open chat, but reporting a child just because he/she has open chat i don't agree.

What a thread!

First, it is WAY NOT COOL that people are lying to get open chat.

However, I think the crusades should not be directed at the kids, or even at the parents who are either "cool" or "naive" (or both) as to allow this to happen.

The crusade, and the reporting mechanism, should be for the creeps who hang around soliciting children, talking filth through the filters, or just making suggestions to "open chat" players that are inappropriate for the game.

It may not be a gross overeaction to report a kid who's admitted to gaming the system (and this is a quite common problem), but I think KI is correct to focus their attention on the real problem. I suggest we should too.