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macOS users and Spring 2021 Update Login Access

Jul 27, 2017

I was also experiencing all of these issues after the Big Sur update. I took the advice to wipe clean any wizard101 files on my laptop completely and re-download it. My system meets all requirements so that isn't the problem and my WiFi works perfectly. It seemed to work since the initializing went through and the window finally popped up, the game begins downloading, but then stops downloading halfway so I still can't play.

May 28, 2014
I had the same error problem where the game wouldn’t launch even after uninstalling and reinstalling it. I found out that my mac tends to keep files super hidden deep inside, so when I found the hidden wizard101 folder, I deleted the folder and then game again and reinstalled it and it worked. Although, now everything I try looking at my robes the game crashes completely.

Jul 10, 2017
Hey all!

I wanted to share my experience with this problem and what I did to fix it. I promise it is not complicated. At first, I tried to delete all of my files (the CodeWeavers method) however this did not work, I still could not launch the game. I seemed to have found a fix that has worked for me. So, if you have tried deleting your files and are still having trouble give this a try!

*Make sure Wizard101 is already downloaded on your device!*

First, create a new User. You can do this by clicking the "apple logo" in the top left of your screen. Navigate to "system preferences" Then select "User and Groups"

Then, add a new user. ( I called mine games )

Log out of your normal user account, and log in to your new "Games" User account.

Once logged in, run Wizard101 as usual.

This method worked for me, apologies if you are still having issues.

Oct 01, 2013
Hello Spark,

I downloaded the update with the link you provided. When I initially tried to log into the game after Test went Live, I bypassed the option to update from the login screen and chose the "Later" option. I then performed a clean uninstall of Wizard on my iMac (Catalina). I opened the updated file/application and everything seems to be fine. I have not updated to Big Sur as of yet.

May 02, 2010
My mac is also a brand new 2020 with a 64-bit processor and i tried to wipe it clean and redownload but its just not working. Hoping this issue gets fixed soon because I had the same problem with Big Sur and I literally couldn't play for almost a year.

Jan 08, 2014
Hello Mac Users,

I have a new one...

My MacBook Pro laptop is brand new. I've only had it for a month. I had wizard101 downloaded, and that's literally it. Nothing else, as I bought it for grad school starting in August. Even with no files on here, nothing left to delete, the game STILL isn't working. It won't even load to the login page. I click the icon, and nothing happens. It won't even open for me. I have Big Sur and everything. I've deleted, reinstalled, and tried to open it probably 12 times now, and I still can't get the game to work. Do we have any updates yet? NOTHING I've done has worked. Thanks to the tech crew for working so hard to fox it! I'm sure you're all swamped, but I really appreciate your constant updates.

Dec 21, 2008
OMG!! Finally got it to work!!! ***Mac users*** create a new user and it’ll work. That did the trick for me! Make sure you don’t copy anything over from the user you have the game on to be extra safe!

May 24, 2009
hello, I have updated my Mac to BigSur and have made sure I am up to date. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall this game. after the game installs my screen stays on the "please wait while wizards101 initializes" only for it to eventually disappear and force me to force close the game.

Apr 18, 2021
I updated my 2017 macbook air to Big Sur 2 days ago and i’m having the same issue as everyone else. It won’t even bring me to the login page. I’ve tried to uninstall and reinstall numerous times. I also tried playing on windows 10 but I get stuck in the character selection screen for hours.

Jul 19, 2014

Is this issue still going on with anyone else cuz its still happening to me.

I am using a MacBook Air High Sierra. Does Wizard101 support this model?

Mar 19, 2011
Sparck. on Apr 21, 2021 wrote:
Keep watch @KI_Alerts and @Wizard101 for regular maintenance and support updates.

If you receive a 152 error, download the game again from here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/download-mac


If you are unable to login, please first try the following first:
  1. Ensure your system meets the minimum specs:
  2. Identify a possible error and follow its instructions if there are any (you may need to upgrade to Big Sur, which is the only supported OS for Wizard101)
  3. Uninstall the game completely, ensure all files are removed for the game (including the trash folder and any save folders), and then reinstall.
You can also try a similar process listed on CodeWeaver's website: https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/crossover/tips/wizard101/full-clean-install-procedure-for-wizard101

If the first step doesn't work, creating a new Profile on your machine will allow a clean install of the game.

Here is information on how to create a new profile: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-create-a-new-user-on-mac

And here is more information on how to setup groups in general on a Mac computer: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/set-up-other-users-on-your-mac-mtusr001/mac

For macOS Catalina users, while we no longer support the OS, this version and other OS versions may still work with these instructions:
  1. Open Finder, press Applications, and delete the Wizard101 file.
  2. Right-click ("two-finger" click on a track pad) Finder in the taskbar, press "Go To Folder," and type "~/Library/Application Support" and delete the Wizard101 folder.
  3. Reinstall the game using this link https://www.wizard101.com/game/download-mac . You should now be able to open up the new file and start up the game like normal.
"Please wait while Wizard101 initializes..." message

If you see the above message even after waiting a while and reinstalling the game, please contact CodeWeavers support at either wizard101@codeweavers.com or sales@crossover.codeweavers.com.

Please also see this post: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/wizard101-macos-1-month-free-membership-8ad6a42478f3767a01791502ce796148?page=1
I can AGREE 100% that both 2 & 3 work. 100% if you do it correctly

Jul 02, 2010
Destiny StormBlade on Apr 22, 2021 wrote:
Ok the CodeWeavers uninstall thing worked and all but now the game just crashes every 5 minutes. I'm on a MacBook Pro 2019.
This. Whenever I log in, I'm fine for like 5 minutes then I open up my backpack or talk to an NPC and it crashes completely, kicking me out of the game.

Jul 02, 2010
Mil46 on Apr 22, 2021 wrote:
Since the new update was released, I did a clean install of Wizard101 on Big Sur on my mac. I was able to log in to my characters and play for a little bit, but then my game started crashing repeatedly. I also wiped all Wizard101 files and did another clean install today but it did not fix anything.

So far the game has crashed for me 12 times in the past 24 hours, and I submitted a crash report each time.

Most of the time when it crashed, I was using my bank or shared bank on one of my characters, although it has also crashed when using my backpack butler, when opening my recipe book by pressing "J", and also just randomly for no reason I can tell.

This issue is preventing me from playing the game and is extremely frustrating. Please fix it as soon as possible.
This is my experience exactly as well. So frustrating.

Mar 30, 2020
Michael WinterClou... on Apr 22, 2021 wrote:
HI ! It's me again with an update that "may" FINALLY help everyone out. Regular uninstall of the game does NOT work, it doesn't remove the "hidden" folder. Proven.
IF....you use the CodeWeaver option, for some reason, on BIG SUR, it STILL hides that folder and all the other tidbits you are supposed to trash! How do I know? read on...

SO, I read the second option found in this thread from a reddit post that says to open FINDER, Go TO Folder option and put in the this >

~/Library/Application Support

Guess what?!? Holy Mother Moon! There it was! Unhidden was the Spiral forsaken Wizard101 folder! I stomped it so far down the trash can it fell into NOTHING with Morganthe!

So anyways...I got the download setup again from the main wiz site, restarted my iMac, and while holding my breath until I was almost purple, I started up the fresh download and as I was passing out from lack of oxygen, it actually started installing! I was back for a second time just like my buddy Malistaire!

So try this out and let me know if it works for you, I got some King Parsleys singing the blues in my gardens...
YES! This finally worked for me!! please everyone try this!

Sep 06, 2013

I am currently on a MacBook pro (2016) with Big Sur Version 11.2.3 (most updated) and am not able to access the game. When the game went to automatically update, it cancelled it due to an issue with game files so I re-downloaded the game (deleted previous game files and all) and now it force quits every time I open it. Tried to re-download a few times and still is force quitting within seconds of opening it.

I have been trying everything to fix the problem and nothing is working. It will not load.
I do not know what else to do.

Please let me know of anything else I can try or how to find out if there are hidden flies that i need to delete.

Sep 06, 2013
Sparck. on Apr 21, 2021 wrote:
Keep watch @KI_Alerts and @Wizard101 for regular maintenance and support updates.

If you receive a 152 error, download the game again from here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/download-mac


If you are unable to login, please first try the following first:
  1. Ensure your system meets the minimum specs:
  2. Identify a possible error and follow its instructions if there are any (you may need to upgrade to Big Sur, which is the only supported OS for Wizard101)
  3. Uninstall the game completely, ensure all files are removed for the game (including the trash folder and any save folders), and then reinstall.
You can also try a similar process listed on CodeWeaver's website: https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/crossover/tips/wizard101/full-clean-install-procedure-for-wizard101

If the first step doesn't work, creating a new Profile on your machine will allow a clean install of the game.

Here is information on how to create a new profile: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-create-a-new-user-on-mac

And here is more information on how to setup groups in general on a Mac computer: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/set-up-other-users-on-your-mac-mtusr001/mac

For macOS Catalina users, while we no longer support the OS, this version and other OS versions may still work with these instructions:
  1. Open Finder, press Applications, and delete the Wizard101 file.
  2. Right-click ("two-finger" click on a track pad) Finder in the taskbar, press "Go To Folder," and type "~/Library/Application Support" and delete the Wizard101 folder.
  3. Reinstall the game using this link https://www.wizard101.com/game/download-mac . You should now be able to open up the new file and start up the game like normal.
"Please wait while Wizard101 initializes..." message

If you see the above message even after waiting a while and reinstalling the game, please contact CodeWeavers support at either wizard101@codeweavers.com or sales@crossover.codeweavers.com.

Please also see this post: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/wizard101-macos-1-month-free-membership-8ad6a42478f3767a01791502ce796148?page=1
Creating a new profile worked for me. I believe though after doing that the new update was blocking one of the connections that allows the app to work because I had to accept the connection when I created the new profile. I of course can not find it now and I am not going to worry about because I already created the profile on my computer. Hope every one else is able to get back on soon.

Jan 11, 2009
I'm running on a 2019 MacBook Pro with 2.6GHz 6-core Intel i7 processor which is 64 bit. This was working beautifully until the recent update. Like others, an automatic updated initiated and failed and then I was unable to log in as wizard101 was thinking I was running on a 32bit windows system. Per instructions above I uninstalled wizards and deleted all the files, and reinstalled wizard101. I was able to login but now I get randomly kicked out of the game with a "serious issue" or "encountered an error" messages. I thought maybe this was because I hadn't upgraded to Big Sur yet so I upgraded my system and I am still getting randomly shut out of the program, even more so now. This is getting really frustrating especially when I'm in the middle of a big battle and it kicks me out! I really hope you can get these bugs fixed soon as it was fine before the update.

Aug 08, 2019
Hi, I have and imac 2020 Big Sur, the newest update, I cleared all of my files from wizard from trash as-well, and re downloaded but when I opened it, it didn't even get past the initializing page. Something pops up for a second, then disappears, then initialization freezes and disappears. Please help, I have been paying for Wizard for now 6 months and haven't been able to play...

Aug 10, 2013
I am having the same issue after doing the steps suggested. I kindly ask on behalf of all of us Big Sur users that we get reibursed for membership fees during this period NONE of us can use the game and also credit for such things like if gardens died cause we could not logon etc.

As you can see, Kingsisle, there is a substantial number of Mac Wiz players and you stopped supporting Catalina so it forced us who want to play to go to Bog Sur. For many of us this is our only “social contact” in these Covid times.

Please put full resources on this issue and make it a top priority as there is NO access AT ALL and the workaround DOES NOT WORK. I am IT savvy too and cannot make any headway like all the other posters.

Aug 10, 2013
I have had same issue and kindly request a refund for the time none of us on Big Sur can access the game. And please put your top people on this as it very much is a show stopper with no workaround. For many of us W101 has been a social lifeline in these Covid times too. Thank you!

Dec 02, 2020
Sparck. on Apr 21, 2021 wrote:
Keep watch @KI_Alerts and @Wizard101 for regular maintenance and support updates.

If you receive a 152 error, download the game again from here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/download-mac


If you are unable to login, please first try the following first:
  1. Ensure your system meets the minimum specs:
  2. Identify a possible error and follow its instructions if there are any (you may need to upgrade to Big Sur, which is the only supported OS for Wizard101)
  3. Uninstall the game completely, ensure all files are removed for the game (including the trash folder and any save folders), and then reinstall.
You can also try a similar process listed on CodeWeaver's website: https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/crossover/tips/wizard101/full-clean-install-procedure-for-wizard101

If the first step doesn't work, creating a new Profile on your machine will allow a clean install of the game.

Here is information on how to create a new profile: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-create-a-new-user-on-mac

And here is more information on how to setup groups in general on a Mac computer: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/set-up-other-users-on-your-mac-mtusr001/mac

For macOS Catalina users, while we no longer support the OS, this version and other OS versions may still work with these instructions:
  1. Open Finder, press Applications, and delete the Wizard101 file.
  2. Right-click ("two-finger" click on a track pad) Finder in the taskbar, press "Go To Folder," and type "~/Library/Application Support" and delete the Wizard101 folder.
  3. Reinstall the game using this link https://www.wizard101.com/game/download-mac . You should now be able to open up the new file and start up the game like normal.
"Please wait while Wizard101 initializes..." message

If you see the above message even after waiting a while and reinstalling the game, please contact CodeWeavers support at either wizard101@codeweavers.com or sales@crossover.codeweavers.com.

Please also see this post: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/wizard101-macos-1-month-free-membership-8ad6a42478f3767a01791502ce796148?page=1
As a Mac Big Sur user
I can’t start playing a new character who is in the tutorial as it constantly instantly crashes. I’ve done a complete wipe of the game and multiple restarts of the system. Please help :)

Nov 11, 2014
I recently updated my macOS to Big Sur, after which I could not even open w101. It would act like it's initializing and then just go away completely. So I followed the CodeWeavers steps for a complete delete and then reinstallation of w101. After I did that I was able to open and run the application. Besides having to redownload all of the gameplay data, it has been running fine for me since then. Here's the link for the steps to follow: https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/crossover/tips/wizard101/full-clean-install-procedure-for-wizard101

Dec 09, 2008
Thank you all for your continued patience, we are hard at work getting this resolved asap. Yesterday we had a small hotfix that helped us to prepare for today's further work.

More of you may be able to login now, however, creating a character or accessing other in-game systems may still cause the game to crash. We are working on it.

If you haven't tried the top post's instructions for reinstalling yet, please give it a try.

Jun 20, 2015
Prof Spark,

Thank you for the frequent updates as to the status of the Mac OS login repair. I have tried the work around with no success. The clean version of Wiz now gives no error message instead of the previous and incorrect error message of "Your operating system is 32 bit, which is not compatible".

I appreciate your efforts and look forward to a resolution.

Jun 17, 2012
Silver Chests

I noticed this in the test realm and submitted a couple of bugs on this, but it happened last night and I submitted a bug report. Opening a silver chest using the Mac client can crash the client. I do not know a fix.