I was working on the main storyline, given to me by a female (don't remember her name, but she was in Dura Dura in the village). I defeated the mob and than the quest disappeared. I went back to the village she is not there, so I checked the map to find her. The quest giver isn't on the map (please put that back). Than I go to wiki to help me find my last quest and they aren't listed for the new world.
How do I get back to the main quest? This is very frustrating. I lost the quest after the last maintenance was done.
I was working on the main storyline, given to me by a female (don't remember her name, but she was in Dura Dura in the village). I defeated the mob and than the quest disappeared. I went back to the village she is not there, so I checked the map to find her. The quest giver isn't on the map (please put that back). Than I go to wiki to help me find my last quest and they aren't listed for the new world.
How do I get back to the main quest? This is very frustrating. I lost the quest after the last maintenance was done.
Send a report to support with as much detail as you can...and include your character name.
It may be possible (though i'm not sure it is) that your quest page is maxed out, try doing a few quests, and see if you can get it. If not, i would also recommend sending a ticket to the bug fixen crew. Good luck, have fun in the spiral!