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Malistaire drops too unbalanced.

Jul 21, 2009
This has probably been posted several times before, but...

Malistaires drops seem way too unbalanced. So far I have fought him 17 times and have received each schools robe, except mine, at least twice. Ive received the Myth schools robe 4 times now. The robe I'm after is my Balance robe, but it seems like after fighting him 17 times, using Malistaires chest 7 times, I would have it by now.

Honestly, this is ridiculous. If any staff members from KingsIsle are reading this, please reconsider the way Malistaire is set up.

For example: Following suit with the story-line, doesn't it only make sense that he should be fought once? It seems to me like you should be awarded your schools robe for defeating him and not have to fight him repeatedly. After defeating him once, it kind of ruins the story to have him come back, defeat him again, come back, defeat again, etc., etc.

Even sticking with the current setup of having to fight him multiple times to get your schools robe, please take a second look at the chances of the robe drops. Even if they are programmed to be exactly the same each, consider programming in some sort of fail-safe. I.e. - If the wizard doesn't get it after x number of tries, give the robe to him/her.

Please consider my post, and if anyone has any advice, please let me know.

Thank you,

Ronan Nightweaver

Jul 21, 2009
Update: I was finally able to collect my robe from Malistaire. I fought him exactly 20 times, using the chest 9 times. I really think that is just too much =/

On the bright side, 300 crowns later, I have all of my grand gear and stitched to look pretty good =)

May 12, 2009
I am not much of a farming guy and I have done the dungeon twice but i agree it is unfair to do the whole dungeon over again to get the thing you wanted. I guess it would be fair if there was no dungeon but right now it is just annoying

Oct 05, 2010

lol i was helping my freind beat malistaire and i got a balance robe first try. but i couldnt use it because i am fire

Aug 03, 2009
it's all luck. I fought him a few times, trying to get a robe for my Pyromancer, and I ended up getting drops in this order:
M's Tunic of Torment (Balance)
M's Deathedge
M's Tunic of Torment (again)
M's Dragonfire Robe (yay Fire robe!)

Besides, he also drops much more elusive drops that are much rarer than school robes. I've heard (not 100% sure) that he drops Jade Oni & Storm Hound pets, Ruined Painting, and the lvl 45+ Crowns Wands such as Cerulean Edge, or Celestian Trident. There are probably several other good drops that he gives.