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Mana Burn

Apr 15, 2012
I am not sure if this is a bug, or the way Mana Burn is to work, but I think that since Mana burn takes pips away, that if a spell rank is more than the remaining pips, that the spell should no longer be able to be cast, am I incorrect thinking about this?

Mar 12, 2018
Healing Melody on Oct 26, 2018 wrote:
I am not sure if this is a bug, or the way Mana Burn is to work, but I think that since Mana burn takes pips away, that if a spell rank is more than the remaining pips, that the spell should no longer be able to be cast, am I incorrect thinking about this?
Hi there!

The way spell casting works in this game is, if you have the pips to cast it when you choose the card then you cast it weather you have the pips or not when your casting turn actually comes. What this means for Mana Burn is this: If you mana burn your opponent and they already chose an attack card that round, they will still attack that round. However, the following round their pips will be reduced and the same spell will no longer be possible.

This is why it is important to be strategic with mana burn, you really have to predict your opponents next move for it to be worth the pips. I hope this helps some, mana burn can really be a fun and effective spell when you get the hang of it.


Jan 18, 2010
If the logic you mentioned had been the case, then the spell would've been too OP.

However, I've noticed that the spell has an effect on Rank X spells such as Tempest and Judgement.

To better elaborate, if you cast the spell on an enemy who has six pips, the spell removes three of those, then the judgement spell originally slated to do the base 600 damage will now do 300.

It's something I've noticed; not sure if anyone else has picked that up.

Dec 15, 2010
This is how mana burn functions:

-You cast it on your opponent and they lose however many pips.
-What spell your opponent chose is cast. If it is a spell that requires pips, they will give up all the pips they have left to cast the spell, assuming they don't have enough to normally cast it.

If mana burn could be used to stop someone from casting a spell because you used it to take away their pips, it could easily be abused.