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Mana Burn, something wrong

Jul 10, 2009
I as a sorcerer have gotten my new spell mana burn and when i use it for example on a a guy who has 3 power pips, it takes away 3 pips, in this case all his power pips. But then, the sad part is, he still can use his rank 6 spell he was going to cast a spell.

KI plz plz fix this as it is costing me some health. I:

Feb 07, 2011
knightmare12 wrote:
I as a sorcerer have gotten my new spell mana burn and when i use it for example on a a guy who has 3 power pips, it takes away 3 pips, in this case all his power pips. But then, the sad part is, he still can use his rank 6 spell he was going to cast a spell.

KI plz plz fix this as it is costing me some health. I:


First off, wrong board. But that's okay, I'm sure they'll let it go.

Secondly, yes- Mana Burn is broken, something awful. Everyone knows about it, and most of the Balance community is in an uproar/state of confusion, but I don't think there are any plans to fix it (until one of the profs tells us otherwise).


El Veeb/Shadowsong

Thanks vonawesome1
I've moved this to Halston's Lab.

We're reading everyone's feedback on this spell and looking at how any potential changes would impact both regular and player vs player dueling.

Oct 05, 2010
I actually believe this was intended so Mana Burn cannot become some sort of universal dispel and if it wasn't I believe it should remain this way seeing as this could cause mass chaos and PvP.

Mar 15, 2011
Professor Greyrose wrote:
Thanks vonawesome1
I've moved this to Halston's Lab.

We're reading everyone's feedback on this spell and looking at how any potential changes would impact both regular and player vs player dueling.

Thank you, Prof. Greyrose! This is extremely encouraging to hear :)

I have to say the idea behind both Balance spells really does excite me, and I think KI did a great job envisioning, albeit some mechanical problems.

I think a great fix would be to implement Mana Burn's "loses 3 pips" effect at the end of every round which it is cast instead of mid-round if the caster of Mana Burn is going first in the duel--that way at the same time it will neither "cancel out" opponent spells because they don't have enough pips left to cast their spell nor will it improve opponent pip consolidation by letting them not use remaining pips on spells they cast that cost more pips than the amount Mana Burn leaves them mid-round.

Another great fix, imho, would be to drop the accuracy of Mana Burn down to 85% or 90% and allow Balance to use Extraordinary with it. TCs could be made for side deck that way. The card could be multiplied post-Reshuffle that way. Plus, in an update which was lacking any form of Balance damage Spear for piercing, Mana Burn should get at least the benefit of Extraordinary's armor piercing enchantment.

Just one Balance wizard's 2 cents.

Aug 28, 2010

When they evaluate this, can they keep the following in mind.

If we use this from first in pvp, it becomes very situational
for Balance. If the person the Mana Burn is cast upon uses a
spell, we lose the advantage of the spell. We get a low hittng
spell, and they still got to use their pips.

If we are second, we can't use the spell at all, as anyone
knows they can still use the pips they had. Even though they
are no longer visable, they can still use them.

This puts us at a huge disadvantage in PVP, as all the other
wizards still have functional and useful utility spells that work.

At level 80, we are now cast against other level 80 wizards,
but we only have one utility spell that is useful, and it's broke.

Also, could a posting me made so that we know when it's fixed.
This will allow us to go back into PvP, so that we can try to
win, with the odds a little more even. As of now, it would be
very unfair for us to try to pvp.
