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Mana Burn Spell Bug

Jun 05, 2009
Mana burn needs 5 pips to use and takes away ALL pips from an enemy. For Example, I was doing PvP and some one kept using Mana Burn and it would take away ALL of my pips.
I thought Mana Burn was suppose to take away only 3 pips, Is this a bug or did KI change it?

Aug 03, 2011
abaca2 wrote:
Mana burn needs 5 pips to use and takes away ALL pips from an enemy. For Example, I was doing PvP and some one kept using Mana Burn and it would take away ALL of my pips.
I thought Mana Burn was suppose to take away only 3 pips, Is this a bug or did KI change it?

By 3 pips, it means 3 power pips up to even. I am ticked at KI for making it take so much away.

Nov 03, 2011
I know I am a pyromancer. but Mana burn is ok. sure it is annoying. but seriously? Mana burn should be really helpful. so if you and a whole lot of others think it sucks, One, deal with it. or Two, Get the tc