I'm trying to finish my Minion spell quest and need to get on to the boat in Krokotopia. I keep being told to find the Map Room with Malcolm Danforth, but I have no quest finder for it (and yes I have questfinder on). I tried going into the Throneroom of fire, but I can't get in yet. Will someone please help? I've been so excited about getting a minion!
you must not have gotten access to the throne room of fire yet you must go through the main questline up to the throne room of fire or you can port to a friend who is there
I guess I'm a little confused about what you need or where you need to go. Why do you have to get on the boat? Malcolm Danforth is in the pyramid, not on the other island.
If you need to get into the Throne Room of Fire, you have 2 options that I can see:
1. Follow the storyline, and eventually one of your quests will lead you to the Throne Room of Fire, or
2. Try to find someone who can enter it now, put them on your friends list, then ask them to go there and you teleport to them.
I'm trying to finish my Minion spell quest and need to get on to the boat in Krokotopia. I keep being told to find the Map Room with Malcolm Danforth, but I have no quest finder for it (and yes I have questfinder on). I tried going into the Throneroom of fire, but I can't get in yet. Will someone please help? I've been so excited about getting a minion!
-Llewella Greeneyes
Just ask in the oasis for someone to help you get in. You will need to be specific...it sounds like you haven't gotten far enough along the main quest-line to be enetering yet.
This will not be the last time a quest sends you to an area you do not have access to yet. Just continue to follow the main storyline quest and you will eventually be able to access the area.
Of course, you can always do like Mike said and ask someone to friend you so that you can port to them in that area.