I recently got the storm lord spell on my storm wizard and expected to get the master of storm badge along with it. I didn't and realized I forgot a few spells. I went back and got dissipate, soothe, and sap power. I have storm shield, all my spells trained from balestrom, and have completed all the spell quests he offers. Any idea what I am missing?
I recently got the storm lord spell on my storm wizard and expected to get the master of storm badge along with it. I didn't and realized I forgot a few spells. I went back and got dissipate, soothe, and sap power. I have storm shield, all my spells trained from balestrom, and have completed all the spell quests he offers. Any idea what I am missing?
Samantha Willowdreamer
Lvl 100 Lvl 91 Lvl 48
You don't need the level 35 spell in Grizzleheim (unless KI changed this and notified no one). Are you finished with Marleybone yet? If not, that's the one you are missing. If you are done, it looks like you have your required spells. All your storms spells are at the link below: