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Maze game out of sync.

May 31, 2009
While my pet collects snacks the counter does not add the snacks but timer still runs. Time runs out, snacks not added up so do not get full benefit of effort. I run over snacks but the game does not add it to my pet.
In other words the pet games need maintence. It is not my computer. Some times all goes well other times I have to quit maze and start over.

Feb 25, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
While my pet collects snacks the counter does not add the snacks but timer still runs. Time runs out, snacks not added up so do not get full benefit of effort. I run over snacks but the game does not add it to my pet.
In other words the pet games need maintence. It is not my computer. Some times all goes well other times I have to quit maze and start over.

Trying changing to a less populated realm before running the game. I have been running the Maze game too and it has been very busy lately. I had to switch realms a few days ago with my Death wizard because of so many training their pets.