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Menu Chat

Jul 04, 2010
I know that this has been discussed at length and that a lot of changes have been made and I really appreciate that. I help alot of menu chat kiddos because I have one and I really like helping them. I have one MAJOR suggestion that I think will really help - when you go into a dungeon, have a flyout menu chat button just for that dungeon. So in waterworks there would be menu chat for "Now it is time to use traps only" and "dont hit the target if it doesn't have a trap" "Do not use traps on this boss" "only hit if you have been inked" "Use global spells if you have not been inked" "Ink looks like this: *picture*" "only use traps trios (or whatever they are called) if you have been inked" "The boss will remove the first trap". And if you want to make it more fair then the menu chat help might only come up if there is a menu chat kiddo in the dungeon.

I was in waterworks with a menu chat and an open chat the other night and we could not help him or teach him. The open chat said to me - I am making it a rule to never do a dungoen with a mute again - and that made me angry and sad. If this kid was truly menu chat age then he was truly just a kiddo and he needs guidance and people to be nice to him. I know that the boss sends audible and visual messages but the menu chat age group is oblivious to a lot of this. I have a 7yo neice that plays sometimes and she is completely oblivious to a lot of stuff going on in the game- she just doesn't get it. I know that not all kiddos are like that - but can we just help them out a little more please?????????

Thank you!