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Monstrology Spell Prices

Jun 10, 2014
Hello all.

I've recently created a new death wizard (the first new wizard I've had in over a year), and this go around I've decided to give monstrology a try.

I'm saddened to see that every monstrology spell costs 100,000 gold to learn. This makes it feel more like a late-game (probably closer to level 70-80) activity, aside from the base undead spell.

I was wondering if a price drop, and possible ranking of the spells (that I believe you only have to be rank 1 to purchase any spell) to reduce the prices of lower ranked spells was up for question. (Like the gardening spell system.)

There are monstrology spells available to you in each world as you visit it, but as of now, the Krokotopian, Marleybonian, Wysterian, and even Mooshu monstrology spells are out of reach for lower-leveled players that don't have access to hand-me-down gear from their higher level wizards, or the aid of higher level wizards to take them to higher level bosses to farm, as they will usually be spending all their gold at the bazaar quite frequently. At least until reaching level 30, when they can farm for the more long-term Mount Olympus gear. On top of this, most auctionable item prices do not start getting past 1,000 gold until you get to late Mooshu and Dragonspyre, meaning any places of interest to farm will usually not yield the best results, causing for longer farming times just to purchase one monstrology spell.

Tell me what you think.

Jan 11, 2012
I agree, they should be staggered like the Gardening spells are.