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Mooshu Emperor vanished(help!)

Nov 02, 2010
I accidently logged out right after defeating the Death Oni in Mooshu before i had a chance to speak with the emperor. :x

I still have the quest, but the emporer is not there. I need to speak to him to get the key to Dragonspyre.

Please help!
-Brian Battleblade

Sep 11, 2010
May 20, 2010
This question comes up about twice a week.

You're going to have to fight the Jade Oni again. To do so, you can use the Brazier in the Palace to summon it. After you've defeated the Oni, the Emperor will reappear. Talk to him and get your key. When you have the key, WALK out of the Palace and then teleport home.

Community Leader
Question: Did you log out while your were in the instance? If so you need to redo that. Death oni is in a instance, or are you talking about the Jade Oni?